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Conservation Commission Minutes 08/18/10
Present for the Conservation Commission and attending the meeting were:  Richard Steves, Pam Goff, Sandy Broyard, Dick Smith, Donald Poole and Chuck Hodgkinson.  Also attending were Chris Alley, Barbara and Bob Day, David Carlson and Christine Lee.  Andrew Fischer, Caitlin Jones, Virginia Dyer and Bruce Bartels were absent.

The meeting came to order at 12:30 PM.  Mr. Steves appointed Mr. Poole as a voting member for the day’s agenda.  The site visits for today’s meeting took place on       August 17.  

RFD BEETLEBUNG TREE CARE FOR GUY WEBSTER; 14 Carroll Lane;        AP 27.1-174:  Matt Flanders summarized the plan to expand the current tree pruning area to open the water view for Mr. Webster’s neighbor.  The vegetation will be pruned to a height of approximately 10-15 feet (the height of the overhead wires).  The work will be done once/year and in the fall season.  The work is in a wetland and salt marsh buffer zone.  After brief discussion a motion was made for a negative determination.  The motion was seconded.  In discussion it was agreed a Notice of Intent will be filed in the fall for the expired Order of Conditions allowing the field to be mowed once/year.  The perpetual maintence of the mowing and this tree pruning will be included in the Notice.  The motion passed unanimously.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE QUINSON SE 12 – 594; 23 Menemsha Crossroad; AP 26-133, 134:  The Commission discussed the site visit.  Chuck H. informed the Commission that the concrete cap is the top to a cistern for roof water drainage and runoff.  The cistern is outside the wetland buffer zone.  A subsequent motion was made to approve the Certificate of Compliance.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.

DISCUSSION CHRIS ALLEY FOR BARBARA & BOB DAY; AP 33-66:  Chris Alley summarized the history of this parcel.  This is a vacant lot with Quitsa Pond access off of State Road.  It had a fixed pier that has deteriorated to remnants.  He discussed the possibility of building a new fixed pier.  Photos from the 1950’s and 1960’s were reviewed that show the old pier and walkway.  The Commission reminded Mr. Alley that its comments are not binding.  They advised that a replacement of the raised walkway over the salt marsh with a grating that allows for 50 percent light penetration might be acceptable.  The land under water is eel grass and shellfish habitat.  A 40-foot pier would most likely not be allowed.

ADMINISTRATION:  The meeting minutes for July 21 were reviewed.  A motion was made to approve the minutes as presented.  The motion was seconded and passed.

The following documents were signed:

Determination of Applicability Webster; AP 27.1-174.
Certificate of Compliance Quinson; SE 12 – 594; AP 26-133, 134.

The Commission appointed Chuck Hodgkinson as the interim Conservation Inspector.

With no further business to conduct the meeting adjourned at 2:05 PM.  

Respectfully submitted by Chuck Hodgkinson, C.A.S.