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Conservation Commission Minutes 07/16/08

Present for the Conservation Commission and attending the meeting were:  Pam Goff, Russell Maloney, Virginia Dyer, Bruce Bartels, Dick Smith, Andrew Fischer, and Chuck Hodgkinson.  Reid Silva, Doug Hoehn, Graeme Flanders, Brandon White, Wendy Weldon, Michelle Lasser and Glenn Provost also attended.  Ray Kellman, David Flanders, Richard Steves and Rusty Walton were absent.

Ms. Goff chaired and opened the meeting at 1:30 PM and announced two site visits:                     55 Squibnocket Farm Rd. AP 35-1.2 and 10 Harbor Hill Rd. AP 27.1-101.

DOUG HOEHN FOR HONKER & SONS, LLC; NOI SE 12 – 559; AP 35-1.2:  Ms. Goff opened the public hearing at 2:35 PM and appointed Alternate Commissioners Andrew Fischer and Dick Smith as voting members for the day’s proceedings.  Mr. Hoehn summarized the application requesting a permit to relocate an existing shed to a different 580 sq. ft. foundation of a collapsed shed.  The collapsed shed foundation is in a wetland buffer zone.  The foundation will be repaired but its footprint will not change.  Additionally, a crawl space foundation will be put under the existing single-family dwelling.  Lastly, an old barn will be reassembled and added to the existing dwelling as a family room.  The addition will be approximately 655 sq. ft. and will have a cellar foundation for the storage of mechanical equipment.  

The Commission asked if the relocated shed can be placed outside the buffer zone.  Mr. Hoehn said the Squibnocket Pond zoning district is quite strict and the proposed location is allowed within the Town’s zoning regulations because the foundation already exists.  There may be one alternative location outside the buffer zone but he was not sure the zoning regulations would allow it.  The proposed location is classified as pre-existing developed space.  A new location would be considered an expansion of developed space.  Any expansion in this district is restricted to +25 % the floor area of the main house.  The proposed addition complies with this regulation.  Mr. Hoehn commented that the proposed shed location is five feet farther away from the western wetland than its current site.  The Commission expressed concern with the proposed cellar basement and its proximity and impact on the water table.  An alternative might be a slab concrete or crawl-space foundation for the addition.  This however, would dictate a different location for the mechanical equipment.
The Commission also pointed out the addition is approximately + 70 sq. ft. larger than the existing structures and deck that it is replacing.  Mr. Hoehn said a structural engineer is planning to perform several soil perk tests to determine the depth of the ground water table.  He added the cellar floor will be higher than the wetland grade.  The size of the addition is being dictated by the old barn that is in storage.  He offered to return to the Commission with more detail.  After further discussion and no additional comment from the audience a motion was made to close the hearing at 2:55 PM.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.  After further discussion, a subsequent motion was made to approve the plan as presented with the following conditions:  

1.      All construction debris shall be placed in a covered dumpster or removed from the site on a daily basis.  All debris and the spoils of the foundation work shall be stored in the current parking area that is on the driveway side of the stone wall.

2.      The applicant shall return to the Commission to share the results of water perk tests assessing the depth of the ground water table.  This is of particular concern for the cellar basement.  

3.      The applicant shall return to the Commission with the design details for the crawl-space and cellar foundations indicating depth of the disturbances for each.

4.      The Commission must accept the perk test results and foundation designs before issuing an Order of Conditions and permit for the proposed work.

5.      If approved the Commission’s other standard conditions will also be applied to the Order of Conditions.  
The motion was seconded and approved with five in favor and one opposed (Mr. Maloney).

REID SILVA FOR BRADFORD WHITE; NOI SE 12 – 560; AP 27.1-101:  Ms. Goff opened the hearing at 3:05 PM.  Mr. Silva summarized the plan to lift the existing cottage off its foundation using a barge with a crane.  The barge will be secured to the basin bottom at the end of the pier.  The cottage will be placed on the barge while several steel “I” beams are driven approximately    12 feet into the bank.  They will become the support foundation for the cottage.  Once in place the cottage will be lowered onto the “I” beams.  The Commission asked about the septic system and its location.  Mr. Silva said there is a pump and sealed 1000 gallon tank.  The tank is emptied from the parking area.  The Commission asked if there is a risk of the tank sliding forward toward the basin.  Mr. Silva assured the Commission that it is secure and this will not happen.

The Commission discussed the plan and asked for comment from the audience.  There was none.  A motion was made to close the hearing at 3:15 PM.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.  A subsequent motion was made to approve the plan as presented with the condition that a detailed plan to contain debris including a method for collecting anything that may fall into the harbor basin will be approved by the Conservation Officer before work begins.  The other standard conditions shall also apply.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.

GLENN PROVOST FOR MERLE BERGER ENFORCEMENT ORDERS; AP 27-15.1, 15.2:  Mr. Provost informed the Commission that he will be filing the required Notices of Intent for Mr. Berger.  He outlined their plan to execute the Commission’s brief for restoring the conservation restriction and   the need to obtain approval of the plan from the Dietz’s before submitting it to the Commission.  He added that this will take time to prepare and asked for an extension of the August 1 submittal deadline to August 15.  The Commission mentioned the August 1 deadline allowed a late August hearing and if approved, work would begin by mid-September.  After discussion the Commission granted the extension to August 15 with the understanding that one month is sufficient time to organize the plans.
ADMINISTRATION:  The meeting minutes for July 2, 2008 were reviewed.  A motion to approve the minutes as presented was made, seconded and approved with four in favor and two abstentions (Ms. Goff and Mr. Bartels).

Emergency Certification AP 21-52.1:  Chuck H. summarized the Emergency Certification to install a new well at the Board of Health’s request because the current well does not have adequate water flow.  The new and old wells are approximately 17 feet from the house and 35 feet from a wetland edge.  There is a stone wall between the wells and wetland.  Hay bales will surround the well rig before work begins.  The Certification was approved by the Conservation Officer.  After brief discussion the Commission endorsed and accepted the Emergency Certification.

Enforcement Order AP 33-57:  Chuck H. summarized the draft enforcement order issued for the post and wire fence that was installed on this parcel without a permit.  The Order calls the filing of    a Notice of Intent and the removal of the sections of the fence that are within the Commission’s jurisdiction.  Chuck H. asked for clarification on the deadlines for these two orders.  After discussion the Commission agreed on an August 15 deadline for both elements of the order.  This allows one month for the co-property owners to decide whether or not they want a fence installed in the easement.

August 6th Meeting:  Chuck H. outlined the extensive agenda for the August 6th meeting.  He suggested scheduling the site visits on a separate day.  The Commission agreed to meet at town hall for the site visits on Tuesday, July 29 @ 8:00 am.  

The following documents were signed and notarized as needed:
Certificate of Compliance Crosby:  SE 12 - 546; AP 21-48.2.

With no further business to conduct the meeting adjourned at 4:00 PM.
Respectfully submitted by Chuck Hodgkinson, C.A.S.