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Conservation Commission Minutes 08/15/07

Present for the Conservation Commission and attending the meeting were:  Richard Steves, Chairman, Pam Goff, Ray Kellman, PersonNameVirginia Dyer, PersonNameRusty Walton and PersonNameChuck Hodgkinson.  Also attending were Bret Stearns, Jane Wilkie and Wayne Arruda.  David Flanders, Russell Maloney and Bruce Bartels were absent.

The Commission convened at 1:30 for a site visit to addressStreet22 Quitsa Lane; Mewhinney RFD to clear brush.

CONTINUED PUBLIC MEETING RFD FRANK LORUSSO FOR RICHARD LOCHRIDGE; AP 25-130:  The Commission was informed of the applicant’s request to withdraw the application.  A motion to accept the request was made, seconded and unanimously approved.

PUBLIC HEARING JANE WILKIE FOR CHILMARK POND ASSOCIATION AMENDED NOI                SE 12 – 481; AP 24-129, 130, 205, 206, 211, 213, 224 AND 28-1:  Mr. Steves opened the public hearing at 2:15 PM.  Ms. Wilkie outlined the successful method that was used to control the Phragmites infestation along Doctors Creek and outlined how the Association would like to expand the program along lower Chilmark Pond east of Doctors Creek.  The work would take place in the third week of September and be performed by the firm that did the Doctors Creek program and who will also execute the Sheriff’s Meadow plan.

After further discussion a motion to close the hearing at 2:30 PM was made, seconded and unanimously approved.  A subsequent motion to approve the amended plan as presented was made with the same conditions as outlined in the original Order.  An additional condition was proposed to permit ongoing maintenance of the Phragmites re-growth beyond the three year term of the Order provided the Association reviews the plan with the Conservation Officer and Commission before doing the work.  The motion with conditions was seconded and unanimously approved.

PUBLIC HEARING DOUG HOEHN FOR WINDY GATES LLC NOI SE 12 – 539; AP 30-106.1:  A request to continue the hearing to September 5, 2007 @ 2:00 PM was read for the record.  A motion to grant the continuance was made, seconded and unanimously approved.

PUBLIC MEETING RFD BRET STEARNS FOR MICHAEL MEWHINNEY AP 35-18:  Mr. Stearns reviewed the plan to prune invasive species and dead trees in and around a pine grove in the shore zone of a coastal bank.  The comments made at the earlier site visit mentioned the pruning will not contribute to further erosion of the coastal bank.  Furthermore, the health of the mature trees and root systems will help protect and stabilize the bank.  Mr. Stearns pointed out that about       75 percent of the work will take place outside the 100-foot shore zone and asked if a small buffer zone of clearing around the tree grove could be added to the plan.  After brief discussion a motion for a negative determination with the amendment of allowing a cleared buffer zone around the pine grove was made, seconded and unanimously approved.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE SE 12 – 495; AP 30-106.2:  Mr. Walton discussed a site inspection he made of the driveway earlier in the week and recommended granting a provisional certificate of compliance provided the driveway is brought up to Town specifications after the construction is completed.  A motion to grant the certificate as recommended was made, seconded and unanimously approved.     

RUSTY WALTON UPDATE:  SE 12 – 420; AP 8-23; addressStreet138 Tea Lane:  Mr. Walton summarized how most of the work for this Order was completed within the three-year time frame.  The driveway utilities were not finished because of delays from NStar.  Mr. Walton added that a portion of a wetland abutting the driveway has been filled.  After brief discussion the Commission asked    Chuck H. to schedule a site visit with Mr. Steere to assess the situation.

ADMINISTRATION:  The 8/1/07 minutes were reviewed.  A motion to approve the minutes as presented was made, seconded and unanimously approved.

The following documents were signed and notarized as necessary:

        Determination of Applicability Mewhinney; AP 35-18.
Amended Order of Conditions SE 12 – 481; AP 24-129, 130, 205, 206, 211, 213, 224 and 28-1.
        Certificate of Compliance SE 12 – 495; AP 30-106.2.

With no further business to conduct the meeting adjourned at 2:55 PM.
Respectfully submitted by PersonNameChuck Hodgkinson, C.A.S.