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Conservation Commission Minutes 7/18/07

Present for the Conservation Commission and attending the meeting were:  Richard Steves, Chairman, Pam Goff, Bruce Bartels, David Flanders, Ray Kellman, Russell Maloney, PersonNameVirginia Dyer, PersonNameRusty Walton and PersonNameChuck Hodgkinson.  Also attending were Doug Cooper, Peter Rodegast, Josh Scott, Audrey Hazel and Keith Emin.

Mr. Steves opened the meeting at 1:30 PM and announced a site visit to addressStreet308 South Rd.; Kapor RFD for a turn-around area.

PUBLIC MEETING RFD FRANK LORUSSO FOR RICHARD LOCHRIDGE; AP 25-130:  Mr. Steves reconvened the meeting at 2:13 PM and informed the Committee that the applicant requests a continuance to August 15 @ 2:00 PM.  A motion to approve the request was made, seconded and unanimously approved.

PUBLIC MEETING RFD JOSH SCOTT FOR MITCHELL KAPOR (308 SOUTH RD. REALTY TRUST); AP 24-204:  Mr. Steves opened the case @ 2:14 PM.  The applicant would like to clear a 15’ X 20’ turn-around area adjacent to the existing grass path leading from the house to Chilmark Pond.  A kayak storage rack will also be installed in the cleared area.  Mr. Steves summarized the observations made at the earlier site visit and asked how many boats would be stored in the area.  Mr. Scott confirmed that two kayaks and one 9-foot water tender/row boat would be stored in the clearing.  The Commission commented that the proposed location is within 100 feet of the water’s edge that runs under the fixed dock.  They also thought the size of the proposed clearing seems excessive for its intended use.  The applicant also mentioned a letter was sent to the Division of Fisheries and Wildlife, NHESP.  Their assessment has not yet been received.  The Commission then asked if the cleared area could be located outside the buffer zone.  A subsequent motion was made for a negative determination if the entire project were moved out of the buffer zone.  The motion was seconded.  The applicant discussed the need to have the kayak storage area as close to the pond as possible for ease of launching.  It was mentioned that the location stake that was closest to the fixed dock is about 80 feet from the shoreline.  The other stake was about 20 feet farther away from the water.  After discussion a vote was taken on the motion which was defeated by a vote of two in favor and five opposed.

After further discussion a subsequent motion was made for a negative determination with the following two conditions -- provided the NHESP has no issues:  1.  The size of the cleared area is reduced to 15 feet by 8 feet.  2.  The cleared area will start at the location stake that is farthest from the fixed dock.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.

PUBLIC HEARING NOI SE 12 – 538; AP 8-54, 55:  PETER RODEGAST AND DOUG COOPER FOR WALLACE BAKER; WUSCORP:  Mr. Steves opened the public hearing at 2:32 PM.  Mr. Rodegast summarized the site plan and location of the new building that is outside the buffer zone – as suggested by the Commission.  The trenching for the water line and utilities plus a 2-car parking area is proposed and located in the wetland buffer zone.  A separate septic tank and pump chamber to the existing field will also be installed.  The Commission asked why the current driveway could not be used and if there is a better location for the parking area.  The proposed parking location is 28 feet from the edge of an isolated wetland.  Mr. Rodegast explained a new driveway on level ground would be more stable.  Several alternate parking locations were also considered.  After further discussion a motion to close the hearing at 2:45 PM was made, seconded and unanimously approved.  A subsequent motion was made to approve the plan with the following special conditions:  1. A narrow bucket will be used for the trenching and all efforts will be made to dig and fill the trench in the same day.  2.  The proposed parking area will be relocated to the northwest side of the drive as sketched on the site plan and dated 7/18/07.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.

KEITH EMIN, TOWN OF CityCityplaceCHILMARK EMERGENCY CERTIFICATION:  Mr. Emin explained the need for emergency repairs to the embankment on the harbor side of addressStreetBasin Road, opposite the charter fishing boats.  He explained the repair method and thought it would take about five hours to complete the repairs.  The Commission agreed with the repair methods.  The Chairman signed the Emergency Certification form.

RUSTY WALTON UPDATES:  Mr. Walton summarized the activity that took place at Lucy Vincent beach on July 6, 2007.  It was well supervised.  The Commission thanked Mr. Walton for the update and quick response.  

ADMINISTRATION:  The 6/20/07 minutes were reviewed.  A motion to approve the minutes as presented was made, seconded and unanimously approved.

Historical Commission Letter – Historical Maritime Group of New England runic rock off placePlaceNameNomans PlaceTypeLand:  The Commission read and acknowledged the analysis and recommendations outlined in the Historical Commission’s letter dated June 21, 2007.   

PlaceNameplaceMVC PlaceTypeIsland Plan:  Chuck H. informed the Commission that the preliminary discussion reports for the Island Plan are available on-line @

PlaceNameMenemsha PlaceTypeBeach Dunes:  Ms. Goff summarized a phone call she received from a resident with concerns about public incursion on the dunes at placePlaceNameMenemsha PlaceTypeBeach.  The Commission discussed the issue and several ways of possibly controlling the activity on the dunes.  The Commission asked Chuck H. to explore the option of placing a few signs along the beach asking the public to help us preserve the Menemsha dunes.  It was further suggested to investigate the possibility of placing signs at Lucy Vincent beach that discourage digging on the sensitive cliff face.  It may be difficult locating a sign on the beach away from the high tide mark.

The following documents were signed and notarized as necessary:
        Determination of Applicability Kapor; AP 24-204.
        Order of Conditions WusCorp:  SE 12 – 538; AP 8-54, 55.

With no further business to conduct the meeting adjourned at 3:20 PM.
Respectfully submitted by PersonNameChuck Hodgkinson, C.A.S.