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Conservation Commission Revised Agenda 09/06/17
Site Visit 9/6 @ 12 noon

  • 12:30 PM:  PUBLIC HEARING NOI SE 12 - ???; REID SILVA FOR SEAN GILDEA; 53 Wequobsque Rd. AP 30-115, 116.1:  Relocate the existing single-family residence that is 45 feet from the top of a Coastal Bank to a location that is 253 feet from the top of the bank.  The existing foundation will be removed from the site.  A portion of the driveway and parking area at the new location is within the 100-foot buffer zone of a Wetland.  The closest activity is approximately 72 feet from the wetland edge.  No part of the re-located structure will be within a resource or resource buffer zone.  
  • 12:40 PM:  PUBLIC HEARING NOI SE 12 - ???; REID SILVA FOR OLS MVY, LLC; 11 Flanders Lane; AP 27.1-204:  Install underground utility service on the west side of Flanders Lane, up the driveway to the transformer and then to the house.  A portion of the trenching and temporary disturbance on Flanders Lane is within the second 100-foot section of the Riverfront Area.  Another portion will be directionally bored underneath an existing stream that flows through a culvert under Flanders Lane.  This is within the first 100-foot of the Riverfront Area.  All trenching other than the directional boring will be done with a one-foot bucket and excavator.  A portion of the temporary trenching near the house will pass through the 100-foot buffer zone of a Bordering Vegetated Wetland.
  • UPDATE TRI-TOWN AMBULANCE PROPOSED SITE; 35 Menemsha Crossroad;               AP 26-137, 138.
Meeting Minutes: 8/2/17.

Update:  Greenburg Enforcement Order; 12 Larsen Lane; North Fork; AP 27.1-217.
Update:  You Dirty Rat, LLC; Sean Gildea Enforcement Order; AP 14-7. Mailed 8/24.


Order of Conditions Gildea; SE 12 - ???; AP 30-115, 116.1 (if voted).
Order of Conditions OLS MVY, LLC; SE 12 - ???; AP 27.1-204 (if voted).

  • NEXT MEETING:  Next Meeting September 20 @ 12:30 PM