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Community Preservation Committee Minutes 01/18/12
Present for the Community Preservation Committee and attending the meeting were:     Janet Weidner, Andy Goldman, Jane Slater, Tim Carroll, Warren Doty, Pam Goff, Allen Healy and Chuck Hodgkinson.  Also attending were Nancy Kelly from the MV Museum, David Schuster, Todd Christy, Clark Goff, Dick Smith and Frank Yoemans.  Karin Wetmore was absent.     

The meeting came to order and Ms. Weidner opened the public hearing at 6:00 PM to review the proposed warrant articles for the upcoming April 23, 2012 Annual Town Meeting.
Ms. Weidner read the first article requesting $8,610 of Historic Resources funds for the MV Museum’s historic artifacts preservation and cataloguing project.  

To see if the Town will vote to approve the following request of the Community Preservation Committee:  To see if the Town will vote to appropriate from the Community Preservation Historic Resources Reserve the sum of $8,610.00 to fund Chilmark’s share of an island-wide funding campaign to preserve Martha’s Vineyard Museum historic artifacts.  

Ms. Kelly explained this is a two-year program.  This year’s request will only be applied to the first year’s expenses.  A similar request is planned for the second year.  She added that Oak Bluffs’ CPC recently voted to recommend its share of the year one cost for this year’s annual town meeting.

Mr. Yeomans asked if Edgartown’s pro-rated share is about $40,000.  Ms. Kelly confirmed that it was.

Ms. Slater summarized Town Counsel’s opinion and added the Historical Commission supports this revised proposal provided the Museum agrees to the conditions outlined by town counsel.    

The article will be amended to include a statement that the Chilmark Historical Commission shall oversee the administration of this grant –if approved by voters.

With no further discussion, Ms. Weidner read the article requesting $100,000 of Historic Resources funds for the renovation of the historic Tea Lane Farm house.

To see if the Town will vote to approve the following request of the Community Preservation Committee:  To see if the Town will vote to appropriate $100,000.00 of CPA Historic Resources Reserve Funds as a grant to partially fund renovations of the historic Tea Lane Farmhouse; and to meet this appropriation use CPA funds as follows:  $70,000.00 from the Community Preservation Historic Resources Reserve and $30,000.00 from the Community Preservation Budgeted Reserve Funds.

Mr. Doty summarized the history of past requests for funds to restore this historic structure.  Mr. Yeomans asked if any affordable housing restrictions will be placed on the farmhouse.  Mr. Goldman said no, as this is not an affordable housing project.

Ms. Goff pointed out that the selected farmer may not want to take advantage of the grant.   It is an optional choice and source of capital for the farmer.

Mr. Schuster introduced himself as a farm candidate and asked for clarification on the Town’s priorities—to preserve the land use as an active farm or preserve the historic farm house.  The Committee responded both are equal and mandatory requirements as outlined in the inter-municipal agreement between the Board of Selectmen and the Landbank.

Ms. Slater outlined the historic significance and importance of the Tea Lane farm and farm house to Chilmark’s heritage.  It is listed in the Town’s Master Plan as an important historic resource.

The Committee discussed and agreed this article should also include a statement that the Chilmark Historical Commission will administer the grant—if approved by voters.  

Mr. Doty added there may be a Special Town Meeting called for the Tea Lane Farm project in February.  If this is done, he suggested including this grant request on that warrant.  The Committee agreed.

The third CPA article was read:

To see if the Town will vote to approve the following request of the Community Preservation Committee:  To see if the Town will vote to appropriate $430,000.00 of CPA Open Space Reserve Funds for a possible future land acquisition; and to meet this appropriation use CPA funds as follows:  $110,000.00 from the Community Preservation Open Space Reserve Fund; $140,000.00 from the Community Preservation Budgeted Reserve Fund and $180,000.00 from the Community Preservation Undesignated Reserve Fund.  

Mr. Carroll mentioned this project has not progressed to a point where this warrant article is needed at this time and recommended withdrawing it from consideration.  The Committee agreed.

Ms. Weidner read the fourth article and explained this is the required annual reserve amount as mandated in the Act.  The figures are based upon the projected FY 2013 CPA revenues.

To see if the Town will vote to approve the following request of the Community Preservation Committee:  To see if the Town will vote to reserve from the Community Preservation Fund FY 2013 estimated annual revenues up to the following amounts for community preservation projects:  $27,316.00 for Open Space Preservation Reserve; $27,316.00 for Historic Resources Reserve; $27,316.00 for Housing Reserve; and $191,209.00 for the Community Preservation Budgeted Reserve.

With no further comment from the public a motion was made to close the hearing at    6:45 PM.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved with seven in favor.

A motion was made to recommend three of the four CPA warrant articles (the Open Space Preservation draft article was excluded) for voter consideration with the agreed changes calling for Historical Commission oversight of the Museum and Tea Lane Farm grants.  The motion was seconded and with no discussion unanimously approved with seven in favor.

$100,000 CPA Grant for the Tea lane Farm house Renovation

The Committee discussed several different ways of structuring the proposed $100,000 Historic Resources Grant Agreement for the Tea Lane Farm house renovations – if approved by voters.

The Committee agreed the grant agreement should be structured in a way to avoid having the recipient realize a “wind fall profit” on the renovations done with this grant money.

After discussion Mr. Goldman volunteered to draft an agreement with Chuck H. for the Committee’s consideration at the next meeting.  The Committee agreed and thanked     Mr. Goldman.

Community Preservation Coalition Dues

The Committee unanimously agreed to pay the $750 annual dues for membership in the Community Preservation Coalition.  This amount has not increased since the Coalition’s inception.

November 16, 2011 Meeting Minutes

The November 16, 2011 meeting minutes were reviewed and unanimously approved as presented.

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be February 15, 2012 @ 6:00 PM.

With no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 7:20 PM.

Respectfully submitted, Chuck Hodgkinson, CAS.