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Community Preservation Committee Minutes 09/15/10
Present for the Community Preservation Committee and attending the meeting were:  Janet Weidner, Chairman, Andy Goldman, Warren Doty, Karin Wetmore, Tim Carroll, Jane Slater, Barbara Murphy and Chuck Hodgkinson.  Todd Christy, Lenny Jason, Clara Rabbitt, Melinda Rabbitt DeFeo and Chris Murphy also attended.  Andrew Fischer and Allen Healy were absent.     

The meeting came to order at 6:04 PM.  

PUBLIC HEARING:  Ms. Weidner opened the public hearing at 6:04 PM to discuss the proposed CPA Historic Preservation Fund appropriation of $160,000 that will be considered at the September 27th Special Town Meeting.  It will used to partially fund the renovations to the Tea Lane farm house.

The Committee questioned the language of the article as written (Article # 4).  It does not reflect the Committee’s recommendation that requires Historical Commission approval of all designs, plans and the execution of the farm house renovations.  This requirement is similar to the condition the Committee included in the CPA Historic Preservation Fund appropriation of $37,500 for the renovation of the Community Center doors and windows (September 2006 Special Town Meeting Article # 7).

Mr. Murphy commented the Town should never be in a position of owning and renting property.  While he agreed the Town needs to control the use of the land for farming and preserve the historic farm house he does not think the Town needs to spend money to do this.  He proposed placing a preservation restriction on the building and property that achieves the Town’s goals of preserving the property as a Town historic resource and then selling it to the highest bidder with those conditions.  He summarized by saying it makes sense for the Town to control the property.  It does not make sense for the Town to own it, fix it and rent it.  He recommended postponing the article.

Mr. Jason also agreed the article as written should be tabled but, for different reasons.  He commented the Town should preserve the farm house because it is a part of the Town’s history and culture.  He added a specific plan should be developed for the farm house renovation before asking for the money ($300,000).  He closed by saying the Town should be better prepared.  This is an important project.

Ms. Slater, Chair of the Historical Commission said after reading the warrant article the Historical Commission recommends postponing the article indefinitely until a plan that includes the Historical Commission can be developed.

After further discussion on the options a motion was made to close the public hearing at 6:45 PM.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.

The Committee discussed several ways of amending the article on the floor.  Chuck H. added any amendment using CPA funds must be recommended by the CPC.  This means the Committee must vote on an amendment to a CPA article before it may be proposed at Town Meeting.

A subsequent motion was made that the Committee change its recommendation to voters on Article # 4 as follows:  To see if the Town will vote to approve the following recommended substitution for Article # 4 from the Community Preservation Committee:  To see if the Town will vote to appropriate the sum of $25,000.00 from available funds in the Treasury to maintain the land and buildings of the Tea Lane Farm as needed and authorize the Selectmen to appoint a three-member committee.  This Committee will also be directed to hire a consultant and develop architectural plans to renovate the Tea Lane Farm House.  The Committee will include at least one member of the Historical Commission and report at the April 2011 Annual Town Meeting.

The motion was seconded and with no discussion approved with six in favor and one abstention (Mr. Carroll).

Mr. Goldman made a second motion that the CPC thank the Tea Lane Farm Committee for recommending the renovation of this historic farm house for the benefit of future generations in lieu of tearing it down and re building a new structure.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.

MEETING MINUTES:  The August 18, 2010 meeting minutes were reviewed.  A motion was made to approve the minutes as presented.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.

NEXT MEETING:  The next meeting is October 20, 2010 @ 6:00 PM.

With no further business to conduct the meeting adjourned at 7:25 PM.

Respectfully submitted, Chuck Hodgkinson, CAS.