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Community Preservation Committee Minutes 11/19/08
Present for the Community Preservation Committee and attending the meeting were:  Karin Wetmore, Jane Slater, Warren Doty, Janet Weidner and Chuck Hodgkinson.  Tim Carroll, Barbara Murphy, Andrew Fischer and Andy Goldman were absent.     

The meeting came to order at 7:00 PM.  Ms. Wetmore was appointed as acting Chairman.

1.      SAIL MV REQUEST FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION FUNDS:  As follow up to last month’s meeting Chuck H. informed the Committee that the Department of Revenue (DOR) determined this request to have two replicas of historic work boats built for Sail MV use does not meet the CPA requirements for historic preservation funding.  The Committee agreed with the finding.  A motion was made to reject the request for $18,000 as presented by Brock Callen of Sail MV.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.

2.      HELM LOAN PROGRAM:  As follow up to last month’s meeting Chuck H. informed the Committee that the proposed grant agreement for distributing the $60,000 in Chilmark CPA Affordable Housing funds for the Helm Loan Program was sent to Pat Manning.  Mr. Manning will review the proposal and provide feedback.  The Committee unanimously agreed to not distribute any of the Helm Loan appropriation funds until a grant agreement is in place.

3.      STONE WALL PRESERVATION:  Mr. Doty mentioned that the brush has grown back along much of the previously restored stone walls and suggested that this be cleared.  Chuck H. will obtain a quote to clear the brush along approximately one mile of restored stone walls along the public ways.  The existing appropriation may provide funds to do this.

4.      MEETING MINUTES:  The October 29th regular meeting minutes were reviewed.  Ms. Wetmore as acting Chair declared the minutes acceptable as amended.  There was agreement by consensus.  

5.      NEXT MEETING:  Wednesday, December 10 @ 6:00 PM.  This is a one-time special date because of conflicting holiday schedules.

With no further business to conduct the meeting adjourned at 7:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted, Chuck Hodgkinson, CAS.