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Community Preservation Committee Minutes 07/23/08
Present for the Community Preservation Committee and attending the meeting were:  Andy Goldman, Chairman, Warren Doty, Karin Wetmore, Tim Carroll, Barbara Murphy, Russell Maloney and Chuck Hodgkinson.  Janet Weidner and Jane Slater were absent.     

The meeting came to order at 7:00 PM.  Mr. Goldman thanked the Committee members for their energy, commitment and time devoted to the CPC’s work.

1.      MIDDLE LINE ROAD RFP UPDATE:  Mr. Goldman explained three developers attended the mandatory briefing on the Middle Line Road RFP that was held on July 14th.  He added the Selectmen granted an extension for submitting proposals from August 1 to August 15.  The Selectmen will appoint a sub-committee to review, organize and submit a recommendation to the Board for their consideration.

2.      CPA RENTAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM:  Mr. Goldman read a memo from the Housing Committee asking the CPC to recommend replenishing the rental assistance funds with a $55,000 appropriation for voter consideration at the September 22, 2008 Special Town Meeting.  This program has been very successful and received a cumulative total of $150,000 from CPA reserve funds since its inception in 2002.  At the current rate the funds are projected to be depleted by June 2009.  If voters decide to not refund the program in September the current recipients would have 8 months to make alternative arrangements.

After discussing the program a motion was made to ask the Board of Selectmen to add this request to the warrant for the September 22, 2008 Special Town Meeting.  The motion was seconded.  There was significant discussion on the pros and cons of delaying this request until the April 2009 Annual Town Meeting.  This delay would give the Committee time to determine the need for additional funds for the Middle Line Road Community Housing Program.  The RFP responses that are due August 15 will provide a clearer picture.  The Warrant for the September 22 Special Town Meeting closes on August 19 which only leaves four days to analyze the responses and determine the possible need for additional funds.  After more discussion the motion came to a vote and passed unanimously.     

3.      MEETING MINUTES:  The June 25th regular meeting and separate executive session minutes were reviewed.  A motion was made to approve both sets of minutes as presented.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.  The executive session minutes will not be released until the subject of the session is closed and the committee subsequently votes to publish them.

4.      NANTUCKET CPC:  Mr. Goldman informed the committee that the Nantucket CPC invited a Chilmark representative to make a presentation on Chilmark’s use of CPA funds.  The meeting will take place on August 19.  He added Chuck H. will attend the meeting.  The Nantucket CPC will pay for all travel expenses.

5.      NEXT MEETING:  The next CPC meeting will be Wednesday, August 27 @ 7:00 PM.
With no further business to conduct the meeting adjourned at 7:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted, Chuck Hodgkinson, CAS.