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Beach Committee Minutes 11/20/08
Chilmark Beach Committee
November 20th, 2008

Present:  Clarissa Allen, Pam Bunker, Kristin Maloney, Martina Mastromonaco & Wayne Iacono

1.      Meeting called to order 5:10pm

2.      Voted to approve minutes 9/25 & 10/30

3.  Discussion of shed which went before the Site Review Committee.  Needs to be presented to the Conservation Commission & Zoning Board of Appeals.   The committee will need to contact the trade dept. at the High School to see if the students would like to participate in the permitting process.  Pam agreed to ZBA site visit Jan.5th 3pm, Steve agreed to ZBA Hearing Jan. 13th 7pm and Pam will attend Con. Com. 12:30pm date to be determined.

4.       A warrant article for $5,000 will be drafted to purchase shed from the high school building department.

5.       Committee started to review budget for FY2010.

6.       Superintendant working of job evaluations she informed the committee she completed 26 evaluations which took approximately 15hours. There are 8 more left to complete.  When the final 8 are completed the committee will complete the superintendant’s evaluation.

7.      Personnel board wants the Beach committee wants to review and approve the rest of the job descriptions ( Beach Guards, Sticker Clerks, Gate Guard, Parking attendant and Menemsha Lifeguard)  The Personnel board will review & determine pay grades of those positions once the job descriptions are completed.

8.      Beach Committee is interested in the investment of composting toilets for Lucy Vincent & Squibnocket. The committee will then request the Board of Selectmen to add this to their Capital Improvement plan.

9.      Voted of adjourn 6:30pm.