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Beach Committee Minutes 08/28/08
Chilmark Beach Committee
August 28th, 2008

Present: Clarissa Allen, Kristin Maloney, Steve McQuiggin

Meeting called to order at 7:08

Martina Joined meeting at 7:15
Minutes of July 31st, August 14th and August 28 will be discussed and approved at next meeting.

The committee would like to see a second assistant position to clearly cover the shoulder seasons. It was discussed that perhaps this could be filled by a senior guard.
        Question for the personnel Board:  What would happen to their pay schedule if a guard became an assistant supervisor ? (i.e. would this not be a desirable position because they might actually be taking a pay decrease)

The committee again discussed the Superviors hours.  It was noted that she worked 50.5 hors the week of August 10th-16, with no day off. The committee encouraged the Supervisor to take time off to rest.

The committee reiterated, again, that we believe this to be a seasonal position.

Discussion followed concerning the feasibility of closing the sticker program at LVB the day after Labor Day, as it currently is done at Squibnocket.
It was decided that we would gather our questions concerning the LVB lease and ask Ron Rappaport to help us understand and clarify some of the points.  This will be added to the “to do” list for the winter months.  
IT was also stated that the committee has not seen a copy of the Squibnocket lease.  It needs to be located and distributed to the committee and town counsel.

Discussion occurred about the possibility of replacing the gate at the the entranceway.  The shack needs repair and it was discussed that perhaps we should look into obtaining another one, one with more storage potential.  Steve McQiggin said that he would look into this.

Meeting adjourned at 9:05 PM