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Town Organization Minutes 01/10/2007
Chichester Town Organization Committee
Meeting Minutes

Meeting Date:   January 10, 2007
Minutes Prepared By:  Bruce Dyke
In Attendance:  Lisa Drouse, Bruce Dyke, Norm Larachelle, Allen Mayville & Paul Twomey
Not in Attendance:  Lou Barker
Location:  Selectmen’s Office Conference Room
Minutes Approved:  January 18, 2007

      -    The meeting started at 7:20pm

      -    Draft minutes of the 1/4/07 meeting were reviewed and approved without modification.

       -        The status of potential, external resources that may be available to the Committee during their research process was reviewed:
-    Local Government Center:  It appears unlikely remaining information promised by this office will be received and no further action is expected at this point.
-       Secretary of State's Office - Lisa spoke with this office again and they offered no opinion as to whether their records regarding Municipal Cooperative Arrangements were complete.  No further action is deemed necessary in this area.
-    Central NH Planning:  Information from this source is no longer anticipated.  

-    The status of data collection efforts from the various towns was reviewed.  At this point, very good progress is being made in all areas, with the Fire Dept. data responses still lagging the other areas.  At this point, all remaining data requests are expected to be completed and each team will continue to follow-up with each town as necessary.

-       Draft version "B" of the Committee's report was distributed and reviewed as a group.  Areas of review included the general format, introduction/general info. sections, as well as the Library analysis section. Suggested edits will be made prior to the next meeting at which time the Police Dept. Analysis section will be reviewed.

-       Bruce updated the Committee with regard to his discussion with the Selectmen during their 1/9/07 meeting concerning the final wrap-up of the Committee's project and expected method of distributing the report to the Town.  At this point, the suggested approach will be as follows:

                -  Committee wraps-up the final draft of the report by 2/9/07
                -  Draft report is distributed to Department Heads and Selectmen for review during
                   week of 2/12/07.
                -  Committee will meet with Selectmen on 2/20 at 7:30 for what should be no longer
                 than 45 minutes to discuss report content.  Department Heads will be invited to join
                   meeting at 7:45 (if they so choose) to discuss report content.
                -  Committee will take any feedback from 2/20 meeting and make final revisions to           report, as they deem appropriate. Report will be completed by 2/28.
                -  The final report will be posted on the Town's web site and printed copies made                  available at the Town Hall at least one week prior to Town Meeting.  Copies will also           be made available at the School District and Town Meetings.
                -  The possibility of a hearing will be further discussed with the Selectmen on 2/20 and           any such hearing would occur after Town Meeting.
                -  No formal presentation is expected at Town Meeting, beyond a brief update to those      in attendance confirming the completion of the report.
-       The next meeting will be on Thursday, January 18, 2007 at 7:15 in the Selectmen's Office Conference Room.

-       The meeting adjourned at 9:00pm.