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Town Organization Minutes 01/04/2007
Chichester Town Organization Committee
Meeting Minutes

Meeting Date:   January 4, 2007
Minutes Prepared By:  Bruce Dyke
In Attendance:  Bruce Dyke, Norm Larachelle, Allen Mayville & Paul Twomey
Not in Attendance:  Lou Barker & Lisa Drouse
Location:  Selectmen’s Office Conference Room
Minutes Approved:  TBA

      -    The meeting started at 7:20pm

      -    Draft minutes of the 12/21/06 meeting were reviewed and approved with just one addition
            made which referenced the next meeting date.

      -        The status of potential, external resources that may be available to the Committee during their research process was reviewed:
-    Local Government Center:  Paul was still waiting for the presentation from this office and was going to contact them again.
-       Secretary of State's Office - Waiting for an update from Lisa D.
-    Central NH Planning:  Waiting for an update from Lou B.

-    Bruce updated the group regarding efforts to contact other towns as part of the Data Collection effort:

Epsom - Still no response from Epsom.  At this point, the Committee has decided not pursue a response from them any further, but are disappointed in the relunctance from Epsom with regard to this issue, since there are likely to be opportunities for  potential cooperative efforts between our towns.  Epsom's unwillingness to participate in this project will be noted in the final report.

Barnstead -  Still waiting for the response from the Fire Dept, which is expected by the end of the week.

Chichester - Still waiting for the Fire Dept. response.  The Selectmen's Office contacted Mike P. and asked him to complete his response.  He indicated he would have it done within a week.  Norm L. was going to contact Mike to see if he'd prefer to meet and complete the data collection form at that time.

Warner -  There was some confusion on the part of their Town Administrator.  She now understands the intent of our request and is working with the Fire, Police and Highway Departments to obtain the info. we've requested.  Library info. has already been obtained.

Loudon - There still seems to be some hesitance on the part of some departments to provide the requested information, due to rumors about the Committee's intentions.  Bruce was going to be speaking with Dustin Bowles again about this issue and see if he could help address any misunderstandings.  Allen M. was going to try and speak with both the Fire Chief and Road Agent to see if he could help move the process along as well.   

Pittsfield - Still waiting for the Fire and Police Departments to respond.  Bruce contacted their Town Administrator earlier in the week and he reminded those departments that they needed to respond.

Pembroke - Still waiting for Fire Dept. response.  Their Town Administrator is following up on the status.

-       The "Letter to the Editor" published in the 12/6/07 Concord Monitor was further discussed.  Bruce will be writing a follow-up letter to the editor which discusses our Committee's efforts in hopes of generating further public exposure to this project.   Bruce will also try and contact the individual who wrote the first letter.

-       Bruce provided the group with a first draft of the final report for review.  It was noted that everyone must do a thorough review of this and each subsequent draft in order to ensure it accurately and completely reflects the opinion of the Committee.  It was agreed that any draft copies of the report would no be distributed outside the Committee.

-       The schedule for wrapping-up the final report was discussed.  At this point, the proposed schedule is:
                        -  1/10/07, 1/18/07 & 1/25/07: Meetings to outline recommendations and refine
                            report content.
                        -  1/25/07:  Final review and completion of report
                        -  Week of 1/29/07:  Distribution of DRAFT report to Selectmen & Dept. Heads
                            for review
                        -  Early Feb:  Meeting with Selectmen and Dept. Heads to review report content
                            and solicit feedback.

        The report will be finalized within a week after the meeting with Selectmen.   The process and for distributing the report to the Town will be decided in conjunction with the Selectmen and could include a Public Hearing and/or discussion at the March 17th Town Meeting.
-       The next meeting will be on Wednesday, January 10, 2007 at 7:15 in the Selectmen's Office Conference Room.

-       The meeting adjourned at 8:45pm.