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Space Needs Minutes 09/14/2009
September 14, 2009

MEMBERS PRESENT: Leslie Ari, Bette Bogdan, Patrick Clarke, Richard DeBold, Barbara Frangione, Stephen McCleery Lucille Noel, Gil Vien
EXCUSED: Mike Paveglio

Barbara Frangione opened the meeting at 7:04. Minutes were reviewed and approved after a correction which reflected Steve McCleery as being present at the August meeting and changing “states” to “stated” in 3rd section under Old Business.

Barbara reviewed data returned from Department Heads:

Barbara stated that after reviewing the data, The Historical Society was the only stakeholder who may need more space.

Parks and Recreation: 0 needs
Historical Society: Currently have 2120 sq feet, and stated a need of 3510 sq feet in 10 years
Food Pantry: Incomplete
Health Officer: 0 needs
Welfare: No needs in next 10 years, but states that Food Pantry could benefit from a private office and more space
Selectmen: 0 need
Cemetery: 0 need
Tax Collector: 0 in 10 years and 20 years would depend on population growth
Highway Department: In 20 years anticipates need for another bay
Town Administrator: 0 needs
Building Inspector: 0 needs
Library: With redefining existing space, no needs. Parking is a concern, but there are not many options due to location of well and septic.
Police Department: States that space is adequate now, would like to see a 2 bay garage for cruisers. In 20 years, will most likely add another FT officer, and as a result would need more space for records, and if bay was insulated to maintain a temperature in the 40-50 degree range than the computers and other temperature sensitive equipment could stay in the vehicles when not on road. Currently such equipment is removed form cruisers at the end of daily use.

General Discussion ensued about results:
Barbara Frangione suggested that  the group should come up with conclusions based upon reports and turn this report over to CIP committee.

Steve McCleery stated that the current space for Selectmen’s meetings is looking like it will become inadequate, and the BOS meetings will need to move upstairs. Also, he questioned whether it was cost effective to have off site storage of records. Richard DeBold agreed, stating that space is maxed out, and BOS will have to meet somewhere, and he is not in favor of moving upstairs in town hall as it has sound issues, which can make it hard to hear. Richard suggested that he discuss with current Town Administrator Nancy Tanner and previous Town Administrator Lisa Stevens along with the BOS as to what they perceive needs to be. Richard DeBold also reminded SNC that many meetings take place in the Town Hall. Gil Vien agreed, stating that last BOS meeting was over capacity for current conference room.

Barbara recapped needs: Library parking, town functions, PD parking bay and storage.

Gil Vien stated that in order to kick out and up current Safety Building, sprinklers would have to be installed. The last estimate was between 175-200K dollars to retro fit. Steve McCleery suggested that Stan Brehm's building, which is for sale on Route 4, may fit current needs as well as provide space for growth and suggested SNC tour the site. If the space is not usable, then the town should look at building a municipal complex. If the town offices were moved, then the Historical Society could take over the down stairs in town hall.

Steve McCleery suggested that if detached 2 car garage bays were built at Safety building, then no sprinkler system would be needed, and perhaps could be also used for cold storage. Leslie Ari suggested that perhaps solar power could be used as an alternative heat source, which would also help with cruiser equipment.

Leslie Ari asked about election day and if space was adequate at town hall. Steve McCleery responded that it was adequate at this time, and school was a backup site.

Pat Clarke advised that SNC make CIP aware of anticipated needs as soon as possible, in order to begin saving the needed funds.

Barbara Frangione asked if entire SNC or a subcommittee tour the Brehm property. It was decided that all members available would tour. Richard DeBold will contact Mr. Brehm  and ask for one of two dates 10/12 or 10/19, and send an email to SNC members with day. Time will be at 7pm, and committee at this time will meet at Safety Building and then go over to building, and then resume meeting after at Safety Building. Richard will also ask for a copy of plans, and sq footage of each room in building, as some are currently rented.

Review membership of Space Needs Committee (SNC): It was decided that as the SNC was only able to make recommendations, it was not untoward to have department heads as members of SNC. In fact, the insight provided by the department heads was invaluable to the committee.
New Business:
1)Tour of Brehm building
2)Report back from Richard DeBold as to  current and previous Town Administrator and Selectmen’s thoughts as to space needs.

Being no further business for this evening, Chairwoman Frangione adjourned the meeting at 2005

Respectfully submitted 9/16/2009

Bette Bogdan                                                             Date Approved  10/12/2009

_________________________                                  ____________________
Barbara Frangione, Chairwoman