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Road Advisory Committee Minutes 08/25/2014
Chichester Road Advisory Committee (RAC)
August 25, 2014

Present: Philip Hitchcock (chair), Terry McCormack, Jim Plunkett (road agent), Richard DeBold (ex-officio), Allen Mayville, Tom Jameson

Public: Doug Hall

Meeting called to order 6:30 P.M.

A MOTION was made by Terry McCormack and seconded by Richard DeBold to approve the minutes of August 11, 2014. All were in favor, MOTION passed.

Richard explained that the CIP wanted information by August 14, 2014 and asked Philip if he had received a request. Philip responded not to date. Jim stated he had gotten a memo.

Richard suggested we get 2015 segments to be done as well as cost figures to CIP.

Jim went over adjusted costs as had been requested by the committee at the July 14, 2014 meeting.

Doug stated that figures are about 50% higher than what we were working with.

Tom felt we should stay on the proposed 20 year plan.

Richard wondered if we should think of making it a 25 year plan but stated he liked the 20 year plan with Tom reminding the committee that the longer the plan the higher the costs will be down the road.

Terry brought up that we used money from Jim’s paving budget this year and the cost just to resurface Center Rd. was apx. $170,000 and is going to need to be done again to be in step with up keep.

Doug suggested that RAC check with a couple of comparable towns to see if the bids for 2014 were off or if the committee is in alignment.

Doug agrees with Tom in keeping with the 1.2 mile 20 year plan and suggests making clear in the committee report the costs of doing so leaving the $373,000 in budget and having a warrant article if needed to cover difference.

Tom reminded the committee that only .75 out of 1.2 miles was able to be done this year due cost increases.

Allen suggested getting separate bids on paving and leaving the line in budget for $375,000.

Terry stated that Bear Hill #1 @ $187,000, Bear Hill #4 @ $118,000, and Pleasant St @ $102,000 is slightly over the budgeted amount of $373,000.

Tom wondered if sending out the bids early would help.

Allen stated the more information we could give to the public the better and suggested to contract out to fill, grind and pave.

Doug reminded, using Center Rd as an example, that apx. 24 miles of paved roads resurfaced every 7-10 years is about $250,000 per year just to maintain roads in a 20 year cycle.

Jim stated that all roads did not fall under the 7-10 year road chart plan due to varying road traffic usage.

Jim agreed to put together the figure needed for the CIP and submit it to them.

Terry made a MOTION to recommend to CIP for 2015 the reconstruction of Bear Hill Rd. #1, Bear Hill rd. #2 and Pleasant St. #3 for an estimated cost of $458,000 for the 1.1 miles of reconstruction. Allen seconded with all in favor the Motion passed.

Jim stated there is no new traffic counts as of yet.

Next meeting work will be done on updating the town report of the Road Advisory Committee for 2015.

With no further business Allen Mayville made a MOTION to adjourn, Terry McCormack seconded and all were in favor the MOTION passed.

Next meeting scheduled for September 8, 2014

Respectfully submitted,

Philip Hitchcock

Approved September 8, 2014
Philip Hitchcock, Chairman