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Road Advisory Committee Minutes 05/12/2014
Town of Chichester
Road Advisory Committee (RAC)
Draft Meeting Minutes
May 12, 2014

Present: Philip Hitchcock (Chairman), Terry McCormack, Jim Plunkette (Road Agent), Allen Mayville, Tom Jameson, Richard DeBold (Ex-Officio)

Meeting opened 6:30 P.M.

A Motion was made by Allen Mayville to accept the minutes of 4-14-14 and seconded by Terry McCormack, Motion carried.
Richard mentioned that Mike Williams was coming off the Budget Committee making Allen Mayville aware there would be an opening.

Richard stated he did not get Jim’s revised copies of the bid contracts. Philip informed the committee that Jodi’s next set of copy’s forwarded to Jim would be in a different format that Jim could open. They will be resent to committee.

Philip gave Allen information forwarded from Jodi regarding driveway standards from Deputy Fire Chief Matt Cole of Chichester and John Ayer Director of Planning & Land Use in Gilford. Terry thought that driveway standards should go through the Planning Board not RAC, Richard recommended letting property owners of sections being done this year know if their drives were not up to standards then Jim gave an incident with last year’s paving project as the reason the driveway standards were being discussed for this year’s projects.

There was discussion regarding adding/changing the wording for revised bid contracts including machine pave/hand pave, liquidated damage clause and whether or not to put in a percent of contractors bond or a flat fee per day under default /termination for missing completion date. $100.00 per day was brought up and Richard asked how this was enforced, Terry responded that the payment due contractor can be withheld if contractor fails to perform and suggested under General Conditions after “STARTING DATE and before DEFAULT AND TERMINATION OF CONTRACT” a Liquidated Damages section be added. Jim agreed to work on updating the paving contracts, adjust the wording to give to Jamie for rewrite to present to the Board of Selectmen for approval.
It was discussed walking the roads for assessing next year’s proposed projects and was agreed that this year’s work was set.
Jim mentioned the State Highway Program and the Canterbury Road section that is on the list to be repaired for 2018-2020 with 80%- 20% funding town participation was going to need to be looked at. Tom thought this should be in CIP budget with about $100,000 starting to be put away.

Philip asked if all were okay with moving forward with updating the Town Website, the Committee agreed.

Terry suggested the committee to walk the proposed 2015 sections to reassess Bear Hill Road sections #2 & #3, Horse Corner Road from Staniels Road to Pembroke town line near Rymes as well as look at a section on Pleasant Street. The Committee agreed to meet at the town salt shed for the next RAC meeting at 6:00 P.M. and go out as a group. Philip will send out a reminder.
Committee agreed to work on having assed information ready for CIP as early as July.

Jim put in for traffic counts and has not heard back yet. He will contact again.

There was discussion about the expenses for early engineering prep work this year on sections #2 & #3 of Bear Hill Road in 2015. It was agreed that that the RAC needs to determine and identify beforehand possible costly repairs to these inadequately maintained sections. It is felt these sections have critical structural deterioration and their condition has yet to be fully determined and addressed. In keeping with the RAC’s Road Management Plan of; and Town Approved 1.2 miles what funding would this come from if the funds from this year’s approved RAC budget was for the 2014 projects. Consideration for future work on Swiggy Brook Road and the 20%-80% Canterbury Road project will need to be addressed as well.

Terry McCormack made a Motion to adjourn, Allen Mayville seconded and Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned 7:50 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Philip Hitchcock