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Road Advisory Committee Minutes 03/31/2014
"Unofficial Minutes - No Quorum"
MARCH 31, 2104

Present: Terry McCormack, Tom Jameson, Allen Mayville, Philip Hitchcock

Absent: Richard DeBold

A MOTION to accept the minutes from March 10, 2014 was made by Terry McCormack and seconded by Tom Jameson; all were in favor, the MOTION carried.

Terry McCormack announced he was stepping down as Chairman and made a MOTON to nominate Philip Hitchcock as Chairman of the Road Advisory Committee, Tom Jameson seconded the MOTION, all were in favor and the MOTION passed.
Terry stated the priority of the meeting to be the discussion of getting the bids out.

Discussion took place about whether we should take asphalt out of bids, whether we pave as needed, possibly paving the two Horse Corner Road segments together and Bear Hill Road separate and if short on funds Bear Hill Road segment could be done by Jim (town).

Allen mentioned getting a separate paving bid and were we going to have this job completed by the start of school as was done last year.

It was brought up that due to the weather this year we wouldn’t want to start until the end of May and that it should be easier this year than last year.

Tom asked if there were issues during paving who was to be responsible.

Terry mentioned at $180,000 the bond on it was about $10,000 and the dirt work is bonded so the town is safe.

The plan is to do Horse Corner Road segments first then Bear Hill Road and that we may be able to go a little further on Dane Hill Farm with the key being to do the mile + (footage) we set forth.

There was discussion about having to knock knoll down on Bear Hill Road or piping being larger expenses; these were issues to be discussed for next round.

Jim suggested we make two contracts, one with paving, and one without.

There was mention of having Horse Corner segments as one bid and Bear Hill Road as another with both being able to be done by a same contractor. Horse Corner Road as one bid might bring a better bid.

Jim will get last year’s contract from Jamie.

Terry recommended that a penalty clause be added if not completed in time for opening of the school year with the words “to be finished prior to” to be added.

Philip asked was schedule completed on time last year with an answer of only the side dressing (gravel on side of road) not being on time.

Philip asked about traffic control and was told it’s in the bidders’ clause.

Jim will get a write up from Jamie and make changes for this year.

Next meeting was agreed to be held April 14, 2014 and the committee would work on the bid proposals so they would be able to go out the following week. We will make corrections from last year.

Allen asked if there were any problems that occurred last year to be addressed with Jim responding that the driveway tie-ins with a certain slope needed to be more specific.

Allen asked if the specs should be tightened with Jim suggesting that we look at the specs from the planning board and mentioned that his concerns were the fire trucks having such low clearances. Allen suggested measuring the fire trucks to get an accurate measurement and stated that he would attempt to get the Fire Department to take the vehicles out into the yard to get the measurements. Jim brought up an example on Kelly Corner from last year. Allen suggested that problem driveways be looked at before going out for bids.

It was mentioned that Horse Corner and Canterbury Roads were really bad. Jim mentioned that the state (DOT) was coming out tomorrow to look at some bad places.

Philip asked for a discussion on a “time table of events” at the next scheduled meeting to have an idea of what needs to be worked on and by when. Terry stated that we can look up what we worked on last year and reassess roads to see if the needs that were decided on were still the same and that the committee should make plans to walk the roads in May.

Tom asked Philip if he could connect with Fred Shaw regarding the Road Advisory Committee’s website and if we could do more with it. Philip agreed to contact Fred to discuss some options and ideas he had for the RAC’s website like photos of before and after segments that have been done. Jim asked if video could be put on the site.

Tom mentioned that he had someone interested in the RAC and that he would speak to Richard DeBold.
Tom Jameson made a MOTION to hold the Road Advisory Committee meetings on the second Monday of every month, Allen

Mayville seconded the MOTION, all were in favor, and the MOTION passed.

Philip brought up a previous recommendation form Doug Hall that a member of RAC  participate on the Budget Committee and Allen stated that he would look into getting on the Committee.

No further business

Terry McCormack made a MOTION to adjourn, seconded by Allen Mayville all were in favor MOTION passed.

Meeting adjourned 7:45 P.M.

Next RAC Meeting scheduled for April 14, 2014 @ 6:30 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Philip Hitchcock

Approved 4/14/14

Philip Hitchcock, Chairman  


Present: Terry McCormack, Tom Jameson, Allan Mayville, Philip Hitchcock

Absent: Richard DeBold

A MOTION to accept the minutes from March 10, 2014 was made by Terry McCormack and seconded by Tom Jameson; all were in favor, the MOTION carried.

Terry McCormack announced he was stepping down as Chairman and made a MOTON to nominate Philip Hitchcock as Chairman of the Road Advisory Committee, Tom Jameson seconded the MOTION, all were in favor and the MOTION passed.
Terry stated the priority of the meeting to be the discussion of getting the bids out.

Discussion took place about whether we should take asphalt out of bids, whether we pave as needed, possibly paving the two Horse Corner Road segments together and Bear Hill Road separate and if short on funds Bear Hill Road segment could be done by Jim (town).

Allan mentioned getting a separate paving bid and were we going to have this job completed by the start of school as was done last year.

It was brought up that due to the weather this year we wouldnt want to start until the end of May and that it should be easier this year than last year.

Tom asked if there were issues during paving who was to be responsible.

Terry mentioned at $180,000 the bond on it was about $10,000 and the dirt work is bonded so the town is safe.

The plan is to do Horse Corner Road segments first then Bear Hill Road and that we may be able to go a little further on Dane Hill Farm with the key being to do the mile + (footage) we set forth.

There was discussion about having to knock knoll down on Bear Hill Road or piping being larger expenses; these were issues to be discussed for next round.

Jim suggested we make two contracts, one with paving, and one without.

There was mention of having Horse Corner segments as one bid and Bear Hill Road as another with both being able to be done by a same contractor. Horse Corner Road as one bid might bring a better bid.

Jim will get last years contract from Jamie.

Terry recommended that a penalty clause be added if not completed in time for opening of the school year with the words to be finished prior to to be added.

Philip asked was schedule completed on time last year with an answer of only the side dressing (gravel on side of road) not being on time.

Philip asked about traffic control and was told its in the bidders clause.

Jim will get a write up from Jamie and make changes for this year.

Next meeting was agreed to be held April 14, 2014 and the committee would work on the bid proposals so they would be able to go out the following week. We will make corrections from last year.

Allan asked if there were any problems that occurred last year to be addressed with Jim responding that the driveway tie-ins with a certain slope needed to be more specific.

Allan asked if the specs should be tightened with Jim suggesting that we look at the specs from the planning board and mentioned that his concerns were the fire trucks having such low clearances. Allan suggested measuring the fire trucks to get an accurate measurement and stated that he would attempt to get the Fire Department to take the vehicles out into the yard to get the measurements. Jim brought up an example on Kelly Corner from last year. Allan suggested that problem driveways be looked at before going out for bids.

It was mentioned that Horse Corner and Canterbury Roads were really bad. Jim mentioned that the state (DOT) was coming out tomorrow to look at some bad places.

Philip asked for a discussion on a time table of events at the next scheduled meeting to have an idea of what needs to be worked on and by when. Terry stated that we can look up what we worked on last year and reassess roads to see if the needs that were decided on were still the same and that the committee should make plans to walk the roads in May.

Tom asked Philip if he could connect with Fred Shaw regarding the Road Advisory Committees website and if we could do more with it. Philip agreed to contact Fred to discuss some options and ideas he had for the RACs website like photos of before and after segments that have been done. Jim asked if video could be put on the site.

Tom mentioned that he had someone interested in the RAC and that he would speak to Richard DeBold.

Tom Jameson made a MOTION to hold the Road Advisory Committee meetings on the second Monday of every month, Allan

Mayville seconded the MOTION, all were in favor, and the MOTION passed.

Philip brought up a previous recommendation form Doug Hall that a member of RAC  participate on the Budget Committee and Allan stated that he would look into getting on the Committee.

No further business

Terry McCormack made a MOTION to adjourn, seconded by Allan Mayville all were in favor MOTION passed.

Meeting adjourned 7:45 P.M.

Next RAC Meeting scheduled for April 14, 2014 @ 6:30 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Philip Hitchcock