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Road Advisory Committee Minutes 03/10/2014

Present: Terry McCormack (chairman), Tom Jameson, Allen Mayville, Doug Hall, John Amsden, Dave Dobson, Stan Brehm, Richard Millette, Jeff Jordan (Ex-Officio), Jim Plunkett (road Agent), Philip Hitchcock

Meeting called to order at 6:30 P.M.

Doug Hall made a MOTION to approve the Road Advisory Committee Public Hearing minutes of February 3, 2014, John Amsden seconded, MOTION carried.

Discussion took place regarding the expiration dates of the Road Advisory Committee members whose 3 year terms are going to expire (traditionally after the Town Hall meeting held in March) and that we could put up a sign-up sheet for new members at the Town Meeting or an announcement could be made.

Members Richard Millette, John Amsden, Dave Dobson, and Stanley Brehm terms all expire in 2014.
Stan mentioned that he enjoyed being a part of the RAC Committee but it was time to move on, John and Dave mentioned they had been on since the start about 10 years and were also going forward to other things, Richard Millette stated he would be interested in helping help with a project or something if needed. Acknowledgements for efforts and time were exchanged and the committee discussed what the next steps would be.

Philip read The Road Advisory Committee Charter to the committee (below as follows).
1.C: Committee Membership
The committee needs to consist of "a minimum of seven (7) members, the Road Agent and one selectman who shall serve as an Ex-Officio member of the Committee. The five appointed members shall be appointed by the Board of Selectmen. All appointed members of the committee shall be residents of the Town of Chichester. It is expected that at least one of the appointed members would have either engineering experience in roadway design/construction or field experience in roadway construction and /or project management."
Doug Hall recommended that we vote on an Acting Chair in light of Terry McCormack stepping down as chair at our next scheduled meeting until a replacement is found.

The committee also agreed to hold further discussions on members and officers for the year 2014 after the Town Meeting held on Saturday, March 15, 2014.

It was mentioned that a RAC member should be involved on/with the Budget Committee this year.

Doug explained that he was stepping down as Town Moderator and would be able to speak on behalf of RAC at Town Meeting this year.

A date of March 31, 2014 was set for the next RAC meeting.

Terry mentioned that at the next meeting on the 31st we need to discuss getting bids etc… so we could have those out by April 15th.

Doug asked Jeff as selectmen if the money that was approved was going to be the figure that RAC had to work with or was the two road segments set as the expectation of the Board. Jeff said it had not been discussed yet. Doug’s concern was that if the road segments were what were to done and stated at Town Hall meeting that RAC would not be able to anything different with the reduced figure, but if not the RAC would have room to adjust the two sections accordingly.

John asked what would be done if the full amount was not approved. Terry responded that if there was clarification on segments vs. dollar amount we could possibly make the suggested segment on Horse Corner a longer segment.

Doug asked Jeff to discuss with the Selectmen how the wording will be so there is some clarity for the town people and RAC can move forward with no misunderstanding.

Tom stated that he was going to make a 5 min presentation, Terry would make a motion to add back the $155.000 to the line item figure, a second would be needed and the Moderator would take it from there.

Discussion continued with how letting the roads go cost 4 to 5 times more to repair. John stated that with the new lower figure a 32 year plan costs a lot more to maintain the roads over a period that long (vs. 20 years).

Richard stated that he has been asked why RAC does not do a complete stretch of road at a time instead of sections here and there, even on the same road. Terry responded that when we do segments were also doing piping, under drain pipes culverts etc… and priority’s had to be set with amount of dollars we have to work with and gave an example that a complete road may not need to be redone as badly in sections that have a priority elsewhere.

Doug suggested that if people are wondering why and how the RAC makes decisions then it would be a great opportunity to invite them to come to meetings and/or join the committee.
John stated it had been a pleasure for the last 10 years to be a part of RAC and availed himself for special projects and to also feel free to give him a call for needed assistance.

Richard stated he was willing to walk the roads to inspect the needs for RAC to help gather information to prioritize the repairs of roads for the town.

There was no further discussion and John Amsden made a MOTION to adjourn and seconded by Doug Hall, the MOTION carried.

Meeting adjourned at 7:45 P.M.

Next Meeting scheduled for March 31, 2014 6:30 P.M. at the Highway Department office.

Respectfully submitted,

Philip Hitchcock