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Road Advisory Committee Minutes 12/02/2013
Chichester Road Advisory Committee (RAC)
Minutes of December 2, 2013

Present: Terry McCormack (chair), Richard Millette, Dave Dobson, Allen Mayville, Tom Jameson, Stan Brehm, Doug Hall, Jeff Jordan, Jim Plunkett, Philip Hitchcock
Absent: John Amsden

Meeting called to order at 6:32 p.m.

Allen made MOTION to accept the November 18, 2013 MINUTES, Jeff seconded all in favor, and MOTION passed.
Discussion took place regarding the e-mail sent out to the committee by Doug Hall that Jim had reformulated and sent to Doug to be updated.

Doug and Jim went through dollar amounts of the committee’s recommended projects for the 2014 RAC Report to bring before the Board of Selectmen at the Budget Committee meeting Thursday December 12, 2013 7 p.m. at Town Hall.

There were some corrections made and much discussion about spreadsheet figures including road footage, dollar amounts and currant pricing for gravel upgrades. Doug again needs Jim to e-mail him latest figures to reformulate chart.

Terry had figured 3 segments without paving costs to go into the report that the town could do and get better pricing for tonnage.
Stan reminded committee that the town was told 50% of work could be done by Highway Dept.

The Committee voted and recommends the following figures for 3 segments including paving for the 2014 RAC Report:
1. Horse Corner Road segment #6 - $77,268
2. Horse Corner Road segment #9 - $121,152
3. Bear Hill Road segment #1 - $103,368

Doug Hall made a MOTION to accept these figures for the 2014 RAC Report, Dave Dobson seconded, and MOTION carried 8 to 1.
The Committee also voted and recommended the following figures for 3 segments based on town work without Contractor, as 2015

RECOMMENDATIONS for the 2014 RAC Report:
1. Horse Corner Road segment #8 - $107,654
2. Bear Hill Road segment #3 - $131,060
3. Bear Hill Road segment #4 - $73,811

Doug Hall MOTIONED to accept these figures for the 2014 RAC Report, Terry McCormack seconded, MOTION carried 8 to 1.
Terry will send some figures to Jim with town doing the pavement so he can condense pavement figures and Jim will do a write up with figures showing contractor vs. town.

Doug made a MOTION that the Committee uses figures for estimating the contractor costs in the 2014 RAC report by using the base for contractor markup as the dollar ($) amount in spreadsheet, minus (-) pavement, plus (+) 50%. Terry seconded and MOTION carried.

Jim reminds Committee that the Highway Dept. goes before the Budget Committee December 12, 2013, 7:00 @ Town Hall/Grange.
Doug will update the information for the 2014 Draft Report and send out to all Committee members for approval and/or corrections of typos and inconsistencies.

Committee talked about having a public hearing in January at the Town Hall as was done last year.

MOTION was made to adjourn by Richard Millette and seconded by Doug Hall. MOTION carried.

Meeting adjourned 7:26 p.m.

Next meeting date set for December 16, 2013 at 6:30 p.m. Town Highway Department office.

Respectfully submitted by,

Philip Hitchcock