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Road Advisory Committee Minutes 11/18/2013
Present: Terry McCormack (chair), Tom Jameson, Allen Mayville, Stan Brehm, Dave Dobson, Jeff Jordan, Richard Millette, Jim Plunkett, Philip Hitchcock

Absent: Doug Hall, John Amsden

Meeting called to order at 6:30 p.m.

A MOTION was made by Allen to accept 11/4/13 minutes; with a name addition correction Jim seconded the MOTION, all were in favor.

Terry mentioned he would contact Doug Hall to see if he would be doing the Executive Summary section for 2014 Report.
Tom discussed the Map Section he had worked on for the 2014 Report and stated he would make changes for black & white print, showed an updated chart with progressions for first three (3) years, and reminded the committee the importance of showing the map with the differentiating roads done to date.

Allen MOTIONED to accept Toms map for the 2014 report; Stan seconded, MOTION carried.

Jim stated Doug was going to Capital Regional Planning to get information for class and vehicle size charts.

Stan discussed the 2015 part of the report for Horse Corner Rd. section 8 @ $107,000., Bear Hill Rd. section 3 @ 60,000., and Bear Hill Rd. section 4 @ $95,000., totaling $262,000. Stan will change sections 3&4 for 2015 part of the report. Stan continued discussion about the listing of Horse Corner Rd. sections 2, 3, 4, and 5, Bear Hill Rd. section 2 and King Rd. section 2 as potential projects for 2016/2017. All agree not to have Canterbury Rd. put in, Stan will make changes.

Committee agrees a Draft of the 2014 Report should be ready in time for December 3rd with Toms map and Stan’s changes. Terry will send a copy to Doug for addition of the Executive Summary.

The Committee agreed to meet on December 2nd as a final date for 2014 Draft Report and December 16th for a year-end meeting. Philip will post meeting dates at Library and Town Office.

Richard gave handouts of Input for the Town Charrette application submitted by the Chichester Historical Society as it pertained to town roads.

Tom asked Terry if he would request of Doug an e-mail to the Committee of the 2014 draft report when he talks to him.

No further discussion

Richard MOTIONS to adjourn; Terry seconded, MOTION carried

RAC meeting adjourned 7:06 p.m.

Next meeting dates set for December 2nd and December 16th of 2013.

Respectfully Submitted,

Philip Hitchcock

Approved December 2, 2013

Terry McCormack, Chairman