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Road Advisory Committee Minutes 10/21/2013
Chichester Road Advisory Committee (RAC)
Minutes of October 21, 2013

Present: Terry McCormack, Doug Hall, Jim Plunkett, Dave Dobson, Tom Jameson, Allen    Mayville, Stan Brehm, Philip Hitchcock, Richard Millette

Absent: John Amsden

Meeting called to order at 6:30

Doug Hall made a MOTION to approve 10/7/13 draft minutes, Jeff seconded, MOTION carried.

Committee discussed updating RAC 2013 report.

Stan volunteered to update section 5 of the report and will be working with Jim to get the information needed to do so.

The committee has two sections for 2015, section 4 of Bear Hill Rd. and section 8 of Horse Corner Rd.

The committee agreed on the following 3 sections for the 2014 report:
1.  #79-#125 Horse Corner Rd., section 9-1[9a] of Horse Corner Rd.
2. Dame Rd. to Garvin Hill Rd., section 6 of Horse Corner Rd.
3. Route 128 (from state right of way) @Bear hill Rd. to salt shed, section1 Bear Hill Rd.

Stan raised the question of what sections for 2015 were to be considered and several ideas were brought up. Bear Hill@ Center Rd to Ferrin Rd. was mentioned as a fairly inexpensive section, #125 Horse Corner Rd. to Garvin Hill Rd. (sec.8), and sections 4 and 5 of Bear Hill Rd. were all brought up. It was decided that 2016 ideas were not needed at this meeting.

Richard stated the portion of the RAC report that reminds everyone that the roads to be done will/could change.

Doug brought up the idea of adding a new section to the RAC 2013 report for other town comparisons and it was decided to let John continue to work on currant gathered comparisons putting something together and then decide if we want to add it to the report.

Tom discussed the map section he was working on and brought up color vs. black and white.

Terry asked about CIP and where it stood, Allen stated that CIP had enough information and were going forward with what they had, he should have more information from their next Wednesday night’s meeting at the safety building.

Doug mentioned that Berry, Dame, and Mayflower roads need to come off the list of Inventory of Chichester Maintained Road Segments from RSMS.

Terry asked for any further discussions.

Doug mentioned he had looked at Horse Corner Rd. and suggested to have a list made up for the many cracks needing to be sealed, Jim said his road crew was out working on some of them.

Doug handed out traffic counts from Central Regional Planning for 2012/2013 the most recent counts updated for the last 12 years.

No further business.

Terry McCormack made a MOTION to adjourn, Stan Brehm seconded, MOTION carried.

Meeting adjourned 8:05

Submitted by,

Philip Hitchcock

Approved November 4, 2013

Terry McCormack, Chairman