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Road Advisory Committee Minutes 10/07/2013
Chichester Road Advisory Committee
Minutes of October 7, 2013

Present: Doug Hall, Jim Plunkett, Tom Jameson, Jeff Jordan, Allen Mayville, Dave Dobson, Richard Millette, John Amsden, Philip Hitchcock

Absent: Terry McCormack (chair), Stan Brehm

Doug Hall was asked by Terry McCormack to chair meeting in his absence.

Meeting called to order at 6:36.

Name changes were made to correct 9/16/13 draft minutes.

Tom made a MOTION to approve 9/16/13 minutes with corrections, Allen seconded, MOTION carried.
Doug handed out approved minutes that he had collected/ found on town website etc… for the year 2013 for committee members to look at. Minute takers names, dates and town website postings were incomplete. He asked committee to go through them to see if any of us could recognize the ones in question.

Philip informed committee that at the last Board of Selectmen’s meeting guidelines for posting all town appointed committees minutes were being drafted and that policies were being set for the purpose of bringing all town committees together on the same page for posting of minutes as well as public notices. Jodi (town administrator) was drafting the policy for selectmen to approve and sign at next Selectmen meeting.

Jim updated Doug from our last meeting about road sections discussed. Section 9a that runs from the driveway of 79 Horse Corner Rd. to the property at 125 Horse Corner Rd. (last culvert replaced), 125 Horse Corner Rd. to Garvin Hill Rd., Garvin Hill Rd. to 205 Horse Corner Rd. @ Dame Rd., and sections on Bear Hill Rd. including Center Rd. to Ferrin Rd. and state highway to 23 Bear Hill Rd.

Doug wanted to clarify how segments compare to the Road Surface Management System (RSMS). Lengths are as follow- Bear Hill Rd. section 1 is .43, Bear Hill Rd. section 4 is .25, Garvin Hill Rd. to Dame Rd. is .26, 125 Horse Corner Rd. to Garvin Hill Rd. is .47 and 79 Horse Corner Rd to 125 Horse Corner Rd. (9a) is .48

Two sections have changed due to the lessening of footage around area of 79 Horse Corner Rd.

Doug asked committee what segments are going to be put in 2014 report and what would be carried over to 2015.

Jim Plunkett stated 79 Horse Corner Rd. to 125 Horse Corner Rd. (section 9a) should be priority @.48 miles, and 2nd by logistics would be 205 Horse Corner @ Dame Rd. to Garvin Hill Rd. as it has the most culverts, it is .26 miles, and 3rd because of expense and costs 125 Horse Corner Rd. to Garvin Hill Rd. with .47 miles.

Doug asked committee would both Bear Hill Rd. sections be put off until 2015.

Jim thought Bear Hill Rd. will be pricier than thought due to blasting.

Tom stated that it would be about $329,000 for the 3 sections on Horse Corner Rd.

Doug mentioned that would be about $50,000 under.

Jim stated that 5 culverts need to be replaced on one of the sections of Horse Corner Rd. and got a quote from Eastern Pipe Service. 18” pipe was $4300.00 for 30ft., town would have to clean out and prep. Pittsfield, Barnstead, Manchester, and Hooksett all have done this. Project costs for these three sections of Horse Corner Rd. to be done by town, not contractors would be around $320,000.

Doug asked committee how they felt about doing the 3 sections of Horse Corner Rd., Richard felt the continuity would be better to do all three sections, Dave felt it would look better if sections were not broken up.

Allen thought it would be nice to show two sides of the town being done.

Jim mentioned that a Bear Hill Rd. section could be done by trading one of the 3 Horse Corner Rd. sections.

Jeff agreed with Tom that Bear Hill Rd. should be done but not section at salt shed as the town is working on redoing salt run off project.

John agreed Bear Hill Rd. should be done and stated that the area from the state highway to Carpenter Park and salt shed gets the highest traffic.

Doug asked for a vote for segments 9a on Horse Corner and Bear Hill road to be done.

Allen Mayville made a MOTION that Section 9a on Horse Corner Rd. and Bear hill Rd. will be the segments accepted for the 2014 Report. Tom Jameson seconded, MOTION carried.

Tom Jameson made a MOTION recommending section 1 of the Bear Hill Rd as a segment for the 2014 Report. Allen Mayville seconded. 6 in favor, 2 oppose, MOTION carried.

The committee agreed that the other two segments of Horse Corner Rd. would be put over to 2015.

Doug stated now that committee has segments agreed upon we are ready to revise work on recommendations for the RAC 2013 Annual Report. He is willing to be editor for updating RAC 2013 report but needs all to take a section to update and suggests making a table of what sections need to be done and as committee members volunteer, fill in their names.

John would like long range planning, Doug will take traffic counts, and Tom will do maps.

Doug reminded committee that the draft needs to be ready in November to have a hearing on it.

The next RAC meeting date of October 28, 2013 was canceled moving it sooner to October 21st and adding November 4th & November 18th so that the committee would be meeting every two weeks in order to complete the report by November 18th.
Philip will change Public Notice dates at Town Hall, Public Library and submit changes for town website to Jodi (town administrator).
Jim will put traffic counts together.

Tom suggested using house street numbers verses property owner’s names in minutes.

No further business.

John Amsden made a MOTION to adjourn, Allen Mayville seconded, MOTION carried.

Meeting adjourned 7:45

Submitted by,

Philip Hitchcock

Approved October 21, 2013

Terry McCormack, Chairman