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Road Advisory Committee Minutes 09/26/2011
Chichester Road Advisory Committee
Meeting Minutes
September 26th, 2011

Present: Doug Hall (Chairman), Richard DeBold (Selectman), Tom Jameson, Terry McCormack, Dave Dobson, Jim Plunkett (Road Agent).
Rauiri  O’Mahony , Central NH Regional Planning Commission

Absent: Allen Mayville, Stan Brehm, John Amsden

Chaiman Hall opened the meeting at 6:45 PM.
Due to the lack of a quorum of members present who attended the last RAC meeting the previous meeting’s draft minutes cannot be approved. Tabled until next meeting.

Mr. O’Mahony  gave the Committee a fairly detailed and extensive update/overview on the RSMS (Road Surface Management System) and Road Network Inventory data base which has now been fully installed on the Town’s computer at the Highway Department.  This data base contains all the roadway information, including road surface condition assessments, collected this summer by the Central NH Regional Planning Commission. The RSMS provides a rating system to help prioritize the Town’s necessary road improvements and to estimate the cost for such improvements to present to the CIP Committee each year.
Mr. Plunkett reported that he has been familiarizing himself with the RSMS program, and has a good understanding of the program and it’s functions.

Considerable discussions followed on other possible data needs that the RSMS program may provide the Town, one item of particular interest and future benefit would be maintenance and repair costs ($$) for individual roads/ road segments.
The ability to track and collect roadway maintenance and repair costs and to have available a long term ‘financial’ history will be very beneficial.
Mr. O’Mahony assured the Committee that the RSMS program does allow for the development of a “financial management plan”.

Discussions turned to the development of a RAC Annual Report for 2011 and what items should be covered and presented.  Mr. Amsden’s suggested outline was reviewed and it was decided that this years RAC annual report would not be able to present a ‘long range plan’  however, it will provide information on the present CIP submissions for the major road work for the years 2012, 2013 and 2014.
The report will also cover the RAC’s work over the last several months, with assistance from the Central NH Regional Planning Commission, to establish a computerized comprehensive road inventory and condition assessment data base which will provide the Town with historical road data to assist in the short term and long tern planning of future roadwork.
Doug Hall will revise and present to the Committee a RAC Annual Report outline to be discussed at the next meeting.
The Committee discussed the time outline for the drafting of a RAC Annual Report.  It was the general consensus that a draft report could hopefully be prepared by the end of November.

Next meeting of the RAC will be October 17th at 6:30 PM at the Town Highway Offices.

Motion to adjourn by Dave Dobson, Seconded by Terry McCormack.
Motion carries.

Adjourned at 8:05 PM

Respectfully Submitted,
Richard DeBold