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Road Advisory Committee Minutes 07/13/2015

Meeting called to order @ 6:30 by Philip Hitchcock.

Present: Phil Hitchcock, Guy Goodwin, Tom Jameson, Jim Plunkett, Allen Mayville

Absent: Mike Paveglio, Doug Hall, Brian Eldridge

Motion to accept minutes, Mayville; seconded by Goodwin.

Plunkett discussed decision to grind first 430 feet of Horse Corner Road instead of just doing an overlay. Merrill construction to install culverts on proposed section to be repaired.

Discussion on Canterbury Road and King Road. Repair schedule and upcoming hearing on truck traffic in this area. No traffic counts as of this date.

Road repair priority considered, sections discussed.

7:10 motion to adjourn. Guy Goodwin, Mayville seconded.

Submitted by Allen Mayville

Approved August 10, 2015
Philip Hitchcock, Chairman