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Road Advisory Committee Minutes 04/13/2015

Present: Philip Hitchcock (Chair), Jim Plunkett (Road Agent), Mike Paveglio (Ex-Officio), Tom Jameson, Allen Mayville

Public: Ann Davis, Brian Eldredge

Meeting called to order 6:30 P.M.

Philip announced guest appointees be addressed with a motion to accept as members toward end of meeting , Mike informed Committee that the Board of Selectmen suggested appointees attend a meeting and although the Committee can make recommendations it is up to the board of Selectmen and they will be appointing members within a couple of weeks. Doug Hall, Guy Goodwin, Louis Barker, Tom Parent and Brian Eldredge signed up at the Town meeting requesting to be on RAC. Tom Parent withdrew his request.

Allen Mayville made a MOTION to approve RAC Minutes of March 9, 2015; Tom Jameson seconded; Motion passed.
Philip welcomed Selectman Mike Paveglio as the new Ex-officio member appointed by the Board of Selectmen replacing Richard DeBold.

Philip asked Jim Plunkett if he knew of the status of the 2014 RAC Report as he was last putting it together with Richard and Committee did not receive a copy. Jim stated he thought that since Richard had been working on it last that he or Jodi may have a copy and it should be on the Town website.

There was discussion regarding the desire by some to include maintenance oversight back under the RAC; Allen questioned if it belonged under CIP because of the large amount. Mike stated maintenance didn’t fall under capital improvement and CIP; maintenance qualifies under capital reserve funds and budgets and road construction does not.

Philip asked Jim the traffic count status. Jim wanted to know what roads committee wants to be done and it was due Friday April 18.

There was discussion about priorities and concerns such as King Road with through trucking. Tom suggested counts on the proposed 2016 project roads. Priority roads agreed upon were King Rd., Horse Corner Rd. from Pembroke town line to Staniels Rd., Pleasant St. and Canterbury Rd. Other roads to look at were Bear Hill and King Rd from Loudon town line.

There was discussion about closing King Rd. to trucking; if close one road should both King and Canterbury be closed. Traffic count information will provide vehicle types and weights. Possibility of completing Horse Corner rd. from town line to top of the hill at Lane rd. and needed culverts were discussed.

Philip brought up the annual RAC walk of roads and a date was set to meet at Connemara & Horse Corner May 11, 2015 6:30 P.M. instead of regular meeting.
Jim stated that the State needed to address the Rt.28 and Bear Hill pooling of water and in effective catch basin ditching issue so Busby contracting can get started with the Bear Hill rd. project.

It was determined that this year’s early bid process be repeated for 2016 and be completed early for an October 1 posting. Submitted bids would be opened by the end of October providing the Budget Committee with the correct figures in order to alleviate concern.

Philip asked Jim about the splits and cracking of the newly reconstructed sections of Horse Corner Rd. and Jim stated that Merrill Construction will be taking care of it. Matter of performance clause was brought up and the existing bid will be checked for the clause and all future bids should include the clause.

Jim stated he will be submitting a Warrant Article for Center Rd. as a shim and overlay will take so much money, it was last done 2007-2008.

Philip stated that the Board of Selectmen voted at its last meeting to change from 7 members to 9 and expressed concern that there are really only three people on the Committee recommending there be a Vice Chair and a secretary to better distribute the workload as there were 11 members in 2013. Allen suggested that rotation seems to work well. The matter will be discussed at the June meeting.

Appointee Brian Eldredge introduced himself and shared his background and experience. He will attend the road walk on May 11.

MOTION to adjourn was made by Mike Paveglio and seconded by Allen Mayville. All in favor.

MOTION Passed.

Meeting adjourned 7:18 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Philip Hitchcock, Chairman
Approved June 8, 2015
Philip Hitchcock, 2015