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Road Advisory Committee Minutes 03/09/2015

Members Present: Philip Hitchcock, Terry McCormack, Tom Jameson, Richard Debold, Allen Mayville

Called to Order @ 6:35.

Allen Mayville Motioned and Tom Jameson seconded to accept the Minutes of both December 9, 2014 and January 12, 2015, all in favor, Motion passed.  

First a short discussion on Town meeting.

Committee needs an update on traffic counts; road agent was not present so count not available, reasons undetermined.

Discussed future plans and membership expiration dates. Terry McCormack intends to resign as of April' 2015. Richard Debold intends to continue. The Road Advisory Committee needs at least two new members. There was discussion concerning possible prospects.

The committee needs current traffic counts for consideration of next project to be selected for 2016. Philip Hitchcock will consult the road agent.

Next scheduled meeting is moved to April 13.

Adjournment called by Allen Mayville, seconded, Terry McCormack, approved.

Submitted by Allen Mayville

Approved April 13, 2015
Philip Hitchcock, Chairman