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Planning Board Minutes 10/04/2018
    Chichester Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
Thursday October 4, 2018

Members Present: Chairman Stan Brehm, Michael Williams, Richard Moore, Tom Houle, Ann Davis, Richard Bouchard, Ed Millette-ex-officio, Kristy Barnouski Secretary.  

Others present:  Sandy Bellanger, Calgary MacKenzie, Jodi Pinard and other members of the public.  

Zoning Board Members:  Ben Brown, David Dobson, Stephen MacCleery, and Doug Hall.  

Mr. Brehm called the meeting to order at 6:30pm.

Conceptual- CM Trailers
Calgary Mackenzie came before the Board to discuss a property that he is looking to purchase for his business located on 46 Dover Road.  He stated that currently his business is located in Lugg Plaza on Dover Road and he wishes to relocate to this location and live there as well.   
The Board discussed the option of a home occupation, however the majority of the Board did not feel it qualified as Mr. Mackenzie stated he would be selling roughly 100 trailers on the property and the Board did not feel that it would be subordinate to the residential use.  
They Board suggested for Mr. Mackenzie to apply for a variance from the ZBA to allow mix use and then come back to do a full site plan.  
Mr. Millette stated that if a site plan was completed to be sure that there was a spot designated for delivery trucks to pull fully off the road and out of the right of way for safety reasons.  
The Board also advised Mr. Mackenzie to reach out to D.O.T.  District 5 to discuss the possibility of a curb cut for a business at that location.  The Board discussed that the site distance at that location could be very dangerous.  Mr. Mackenzie stated that he could also use Cross Road as entrance and exit as DBU Construction does at this time with much bigger equipment.
Mr. Mackenzie stated he will take the information into consideration and be in touch with the office for further application.    

ZBA Joint Meeting-
The Planning Board and ZBA discussed the new zoning.  The ZBA suggested in light of the previous applicant that the Planning Board either not allow single family residential in the COMM/IND zone or change the zoning to allow mix use with single family residential.  
The Planning Board discussed that they did allow a mixed use with a waiver in the COMM/Village but they cannot offer waivers in the COMM/IND zone.  
There Boards discussed Home Occupations and whether or not anything needed to be updated such as definitions.  The Boards struggled with defining what is incidental to the residence and if it should be better defined.  
Mr. Millette suggested that the Town require occupancy permits so the Town is more informed of what business are located where.  
Mr. Hall suggested that gas station canopies be added into the zoning so they are specifically addressed.

Driveway Permit Review-
The Board reviewed the new driveway permit regulations prepared by Building Inspector Matthew Cole and Road Agent Jim Plunkett.  Mr. Plunkett has had a lot of difficulty with driveways ruining roads and trouble plowing as they are not being built to code.  Also, there has been a problem with emergency services not being able to gain access of some properties due to the driveway layout.  
Mr. Brehm stated that in the driveway regulations it states a grade no higher than 10% but it should state 8% to be consistent with the zoning.  
Mr. Williams stated that according to RSA 236:13 the Town cannot dictate the driveway beyond the right of way. The state has the ultimate authority.
The Board asked that Mr. Cole and Mr. Plunkett attend the Nov. 1st meeting to discuss the driveway regulations at more length.

Commercial Solar-
The Board discussed solar arrays for commercial use at the suggestion of the building inspector.  The Board discussed if a large solar array on the commercial ways could cause major glare or obnoxious use. The Board will discuss this further with CNHRPC at the next zoning meeting for advice.  

Rule of Procedure Discussion-
The Board has been reviewing the rules of procedure to update any changes.  The Board made some minor changes to time and location. The changes will be made by Mrs. Barnouski and sent out to the Board for further review and approval.

Sign off Sheet-
Ms. Pinard stated that there has been a lack of communication between the Department regarding new plans.  She offered the suggestion of having a meeting before department heads for everyone to review and sign off on the plans.  Mr. Millette did not feel as though that would be enough time for the departments to review the plans.  
The Board discussed as soon as a set of plans come in no later than the 10th of the month an email be sent out to all Departments letting them know plans are in the office.  The Board should now require five sets of plans so that plans can be picked up by any Department needing them.  Amended or revised plans will also have to be submitted in sets of five as well.  

Mr. Brehm updated the Board that Mr. Valley has not been in compliance with DES and did not obtain his alteration of Terrain permit. Mr. Rokeh is now his engineer and will be submitting a AOT on his behalf before he can proceed with the project.   

Adjournment- Having no further business, a motion was made by Mr. Williams made a motion and seconded by Mr. Houle to adjourn the meeting at 9:21pm.
Respectfully submitted,