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Planning Board Minutes 09/27/2018
    Chichester Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
Thursday September 27, 2018

Members Present: Chairman Stan Brehm, Michael Williams, Richard Moore, Tom Houle, Ann Davis, Richard Bouchard, Ed Millette-ex-officio, Kristy Barnouski Secretary.  

Others present:  Mike Tardiff, Matt Monahan, Zach Boyijian, Blaze Konefal, Lucille Noel and other members of the public.  

Mr. Brehm called the meeting to order at 6:30pm.

Mr. Williams made a motion and Ms. Davis seconded to approve the minutes of September 6, 2018.  Motion passes.

Public Hearing-Site Plan Review/Home Occupation, Breton/Bellanger
Ms. Breton and Mr. Bellanger have been before the Planning Board several times and have obtained their variance for the driveway from the Zoning Board of Adjustments.  They came before the Board to submit their final site plan for home occupation and have their public hearing for approval.   
Mr. Williams made a motion and Mr. Houle seconded that the Board finds the Site Plan is complete. Motion passes.
Mr. Williams made a motion and Mr. Bouchard seconded to approve the Site Plan/Home occupation for Deerfield Truck Center, LLC. located on 44 Swiggy Brook Road.  Motion passes.
Mr. Williams made a motion and Mr. Houle seconded that this project does not create a regional impact.  Motion passes.  

Zoning Update-
Central NH Regional Planning Commission (CNHRPC), members of the Conservation commission and a member of the Heritage commission (Charrette) met with the Planning Board to discuss the upcoming zoning change that will be proposed at the next Town Meeting.  The Board is looking to move away from soil type zoning that originated in 1965.  Chichester is only 1 of 2 Towns in NH that still use this archaic zoning.  The Board discussed taking everything into consideration from the master plan to survey’s and all of the research that CNHRPC has offered.  
Ms. Noel stated that the Charrette team would like to see a more cohesive village center, adding a crosswalk on Main Street near the new Greenspace and having architectural guidelines for new buildings keeping the character or historical Main Street.   Mr. Millette stated that the Board has not made a decision about the crosswalks due to not only the cost but also the blinking lights and amount of notification that would have to be added due to the layout of the Road and lack of visibility.    Mr. Brehm asked if it would be possible to receive grants for sidewalks.  CNHRPC stated that it is possible to get an 80/20 match such as Boscawen has and made it to the 10 year D.O.T. plan.  
Some of the suggestions that CNHRPC had were reducing setbacks in the village, increasing density in areas like housing or barns for elderly housing and looking at three separate nodes that have been talked about in different areas of Town and putting them on the warrant separately or just picking and choosing ones the Town wants to start with this year.  
Mr. Moore suggested that the Board see what a buildout would look like with mixed use and higher density housing where it would be allowed.  He would like to see increased setbacks to make from for snow and protect people and to protect from noise.   
The Conservation Commission wanted to discuss density and setbacks and how those may change.  They would like to find areas they want to protect using the NRI visioning session.  They also discussed using a wetlands overlay protecting the very high quality wetlands such as Lynxfeild Pond, the Pond behind the school, Humphrey’s Pond, Perry Brook Pond and the marsh behind Town Hall.  
One of the ideas that Mr. Boyijian stated was that the Conservation Commission would like to see more ideas connecting the Town by walking paths and or hiking trails.  They are interested in a series of protected spaces.  Mr. Tardiff will connect with someone from Parks and Recreation to discuss this further.  
The Board discussed how they want to keep the zoning density neutral and just move away from the soils.  
Mr. Williams recommended doing a base map moving away from soils and doing one test nodule to see how it is received and doing a build out to show people potential density.  Mr. Tardiff stated he would come in with some build outs for next meeting.  
Ms. Noel stated the dire need for senior housing in Chichester.  She would like to see cottages or a small development for seniors aging out of their homes but want to stay in Town.  
CNHRPC will be working on buildouts and other items discussed and will come back for another update on Wednesday October 17th at 6:30pm at the Fire Department.  

Other Business
Mr. Brehm stated that he has spoken to Mr. Halle about his plat being signed.  He told Mr. Halle that he didn’t think the plat could be signed with the condo documents not being done and reviewed by Town Council.  Mr. Monahan agreed that the plat should not be signed if all approvals are not met.

Adjournment- Having no further business, a motion was made by Mr. Williams made a motion and seconded by Mr. Houle to adjourn the meeting at 8:07pm.
Respectfully submitted,