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Planning Board Minutes 09/06/2018
    Chichester Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
Thursday September 6, 2018

Members Present: Chairman Stan Brehm, Michael Williams, Richard Moore, Tom Houle, Ann Davis, Richard Bouchard, Ed Millette Kristy Barnouski Secretary.  Dr. Kevin Mara, DVM. (Late arrival)

Others present: Diane and Ed Mott, Mariellen Breton, Derek Bellanger, William Young, Harold Guay, Joe and Nancy Amour and other members of the public.  

Mr. Brehm called the meeting to order at 6:30pm.

Mr. Williams made a motion and Ms. Davis seconded to approve the minutes of August 30, 2018.  Motion passes.

William Young Properties-Discussion
Mr. Young came before the Board to discuss his planned renovations at his business on Dover Road.  He stated that the Building Inspector sent him to the Board to discuss whether or not his changes invoked an updated site plan.  Mr. Young explained to the Board that he planned to renovate the existing buildings moving his offices into the new updated barn area and use the current office spaces as storage.  The consensus of the Board was that he only needed to obtain the appropriate Demo/Building permits to proceed.  

Ed & Diane Mott-Discussion
Mr. and Mrs. Mott came before the Board to discuss their options of renting their existing garage on their private property out to another mechanic.  Mr. Mott has ran a garage out of this location for over 30 years but cannot work anymore and would like to keep a source of income.  
The Board discussed it has been a home occupation but will no longer be and it may need a site plan.  The property does fall into the Commercial Village District which gives the Planning Board the ability to wiave some requirements.  
  Mr. Millette had some concerns about whether or not it’s a change of use and if was subject to life safety standards.  
Mr. Moore stated that he saw no change in impact, but if they did require a site plan he would be in favor of waivers.  
Mr. Brehm stated that by having applicants do site plans you can limit and allow specific things and it was his opinion they would need to do a site plan.
Ms. Davis did not feel it was a change of use but did have an issue with the mixed use of the property.  
Mr. Williams stated it would not be the same person operating it but did not see any significant change.  
Mr. Bouchad and Mr. Houle stated they saw no impact or change.  
Mr. Millette stated he was in favor of a site plan.  
With a 5-2 vote the consensus of the Board is that the Motts did not need to complete a Site Plan Review.
Mrs. Barnouski will draft a letter stating that property will remain only a garage with no expansion or increase of size of the business.  Any further expansion will require a full a site plan review.  

44 Swiggy Brook Road-Discussion
Mr. Bellanger and Ms. Breton came before the Board to discuss the Home Occupation permit they previously applied for.  After being denied by the Planning Board due to having no driveway access on Rt. 28 and a full site plan review which Chichester Zoning requires they applied to the Zoning Board of Adjustments.  The ZBA did approve the variance for the driveway access but they ultimately withdrew their application for a variance to waive the Site Plan Review for their Home Occupation.  They discussed with the Board what waivers they would be willing to make so they could come back before the Board for another public hearing for a Site Plan.  Mr. Brehm stated that he would be comfortable with using the current plat that they used for their Home Occupation/ZBA application with some minor adjustments.  
The consensus of the Board was to update the current plat with the current abutters and checklist application.   The public hearing for the Site Plan Review will be on Thursday September 27, 2018.  

Approval Letter for Chichester Commons Housing-Discussion
The Board reviewed the recommendation letter from Fuss & O’Neill in regards to the drainage for Chichester Commons Housing Development.  The Board asked Mrs. Barnouski to contact the engineers asking for a letter either recommending the drainage plan or not.  Once a recommendation letter is received from Fuss & O’Neill Mrs. Barnouski will draft an approval letter for the project for Mr. Halle and Mr. Brehm will sign it.  

Rules of Procedure-
A copy of the rules of procedure were handed out to the members to markup which will be reviewed on the next regular meeting of October 4, 2018.

Adjournment- Having no further business, a motion was made by Mr. Williams made a motion and seconded by Mr. Houle to adjourn the meeting at 8:30pm.