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Planning Board Minutes 08/02/2018
    Chichester Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
Thursday August 2, 2018

Members Present: Chairman Stan Brehm, Michael Williams, Jeff Jordan, Richard Moore, Tom Houle, Ann Davis, Richard Bouchard, Dr. Kevin Mara, DVM. (Late arrival), Kristy Barnouski Secretary.

Others present: Matt Monahan, Mike Tardiff, Mariellen Brenton, Derek Bellanger, Jon Rokeh, Robert Mann, Arron Wechsler, Ross Abbott, David Kezar, and other members of the public.

Mr. Brehm called the meeting to order at 6:30pm.

Mr. Jordan made a motion and Mr. Williams seconded to approve the minutes of July 12, 2018.   

CNHRPC-Mike Tardiff & Matt Monahan
Mr. Tardiff and Mr. Monahan came to give an update on the data collected thus far along with ideas for the land use change section of the Master Plan. Mr. Tardiff stated that he would review the current land use chapter of the Master Plan and help update it.  The only changes the Board made to it thus far is minor adjustments and mentioning changing soils type zoning.  
Mr. Moore stated that he thought a good starting point may be using dirt roads as agricultural, paved roads as residential.  
Mr. Monahan stated that the best way to start is using the info they currently have along with density maps and data trends.  Mr. Tardiff stated there is a lot of information which will need a few meetings to sift through.  
The Board wanted to be sure the Charrette was included and a plan was made for elderly housing within the district.  
Mr. Tardiff and Mr. Monahan asked the Board about concerns they may have in the commercial industrial zone along with the Commercial Village.  Mr. Brehm stated that he would be interested in discussing prohibiting future residential development in the Commercial/Industrial zone.  Mr. Moore stated he would like to prohibit single family homes in the Commercial/Industrial zone.  
The consensus of the Board is that they would rather see development of workforce housing on Rt. 4 & Rt. 28 as opposed to the interior of Chichester.
A meeting was set for August 30, 2018 at 630 to discuss the zoning and provide some recommendations.

Public Hearing-Home Occupation
Mariellen Brenton and Derek Bellanger came before the Board with an application for a home occupation permit for a house they would like to buy on 44 Swiggy Brook Road, Map 8 Lot 42-5.  The Couple presented their application to the Board for the auto repair shop, Deerfield Truck Center, LLC.  There would be no employees and it would be just Mr. Bellanger on using the detached garage on the property.  
The Board did discuss that although they meet the requirements of a home occupation for the residential zone, this property is located within the Commercial/Industrial zone which under Chichester Zoning, home occupations permits in the CI/MF zone will meet the same criteria as any business venture in the CI/MF zone.
The Board did discuss with the applicants that they could apply to the Zoning Board of Adjustments to waive the site plan review for this business as well as not meeting the driveway requirement of not having driveway access to Rt. 28.  
Mr. Williams made a motion and Mr. Houle seconded to deny the application for a home occupation for Mariellen Brenton and Derek Bellanger for the location of 44 Swiggy Brook Road.  Motion passes.  

Public Hearing- Site Plan Review, Kezar Automotive

Mr. Rokeh came before the Board to present the plan for Kezar Automotive that was essentially the same plan as the previous one for Forever Metal Roofing.  Some adjustments were made to suit the automotive business such as turning the building for easy access to bays and adding more sq. footage.

Mr. Williams made a motion and Ms. Davis seconded to accept the Site Plan Review application as complete. Motion passes.  

The Conservation commission did have a chance to review the project and do a site plan which they submitted a letter to the Planning Board with their recommendations.  The Conservation Commission did recommend that the driveway which falls into the wetland buffer be moved over to protect what they considered a valuable wetland.  

Mr. Rokeh spoke to the fact that D.O.T. has already approved the driveway and that the driveway has been an existing one for years.  He also explained that the well is currently down in that location and if they moved the driveway over they would likely have to blast through some ledge which would damage the existing driveway.  Mr. Rokeh also advised that treatment swales will be installed to help protect the wetland.  
Mr. Wechsler who is a wetland scientist stated that he had visited the site and has very little concern about the wetland impact especially considering it is located directly on Rt. 4 which is already impacting it. He stated that he reviewed the plan which is not directing the storm water to the wetlands and will be utilizing treatment swales and using curbing to direct the water flow.  He stated that he sees no significant issues and he firmly disagrees that moving the driveway would be best.
Mr. Rokeh offered the compromise of removing the third outside lane of the driveway which would add another 12ft to the buffer.

The proposed building is 69,000 sq. ft. which is larger than the last site plan.  The applicant also wishes to have a small sales lot near Rt. 4.  The Board discussed with the applicant how many cars he wished to display and also putting down an impervious surface.  The applicant and the Board agreed to no more than twenty cars out for display as well as putting down gravel as a suitable surface.  

Mr. Willams made a motion and Mr. Houle seconded that the site plan review for Kezar Automotive triggers no regional impact.  Motion passes.

Mr. Williams made a motion and Mr. Houle seconded to approve the site plan for Kezar Automotive with the following conditions: removing the outside driveway lane, adding gravel to the sales lot with a max display of twenty vehicles.  Motion passes.

Conceptual-149 Dover Road, Golf Cart Display
The property owners, Mr. & Mrs. Smith came before the Board to discuss the possibility of displaying golf carts on his multifamily unit’s road frontage. The lot is 1.8 acres  
The Board stated that the lot is already a substandard lot being an existing three family which requires 2.5 acres with Chichester’s zoning.  
Mr. Jordan stated that the property is already being overused, which many Board members agreed.  
The consensus of the Board is that this would be over development of this already substandard lot.  

Conservation Commission Letter-Mike’s Affordable Automotive
Mr. Mann of the Conservation Commission sent a letter to the Board discussing the site walk visit they had on the property located on Dover Road owned by Michael Albert. Mr. Mann stated that they found two delineated wetlands, one of which was questioned if there was ever a wetland permit pulled.  Upon review of the files, the office was able to locate the permit filed back in 2003.  The Commission reviewed the issue currently, being the encroachment on the wetland buffer.  By a vote, the Commission requests that the short section of the access road be relocate outside the setback s a condition of site plan approval.  

Adjournment- Having no further business, a motion was made by Mr. Williams made a motion and seconded by Mr. Houle to adjourn the meeting at 9:05pm.