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Planning Board Minutes 08/03/2017
  Chichester Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
Thursday August 3, 2017

Members Present: Chairman Stan Brehm, Michael Williams, Richard Moore, Kevin Mara, Craig McIntosh, Jeff Jordan, Tom Houle, Ann Davis, and Kristy Barnouski Secretary.

Others present: Keith Babb, Ellen Quinlan & A. Gould of Taz’s Talo, Brayden Tescher, Julie & Roger Anderson, Mike Seraikas, Joanne Luikmil, John Lukmil and other members of the public.

Mr. Brehm called the meeting to order at 6:35pm.

Minutes were reviewed from the June 1, 2017 & July 6, 2017 meetings.  A few grammatical changes were requested.  
Mr. Jordan made a motion and Mr. Williams seconded to approve the Minutes of June 1, 2017. Motion passes.
Ms. Davis made a motion and Mr. Mara seconded to approve the minutes of July 6, 2017.  Motion passes.

Public Hearing- K&B Crushing, 200 Suncook Valley Road.
Mr. Babb stated that he updated his site plan as requested by the Planning Board.  He also stated that he did remove one of his signs to comply with zoning.  
Mr. Brehm asked about paving being referenced on the plan.  Mr. Babb stated that there will be 13 paved spaces as agreed.
 Mr. Williams made a motion and Mr. Mara seconded to accept K&B Crushing’s Plan as complete. Motion passes.

The Board discussed at length whether or not the 750sq ft. sales area should be designated on the plan.  It was ultimately the consensus of the Board that it is the State of NH DMV’s jurisdiction to require that they have the appropriate area for the sales office.  The square footage of the building is 5,000 sq. ft. so there is plenty of room to designate the space required.  

Mr. Mara made a motion and Mr. Williams seconded to approve the plan for K&B Crushing and approve the business as a licensed auto retailer dealer with the caveat that the parking be shown on the plan and the spaces that will be paved or crushed gravel including the handicap spaces. Motion passes.

Mr. Brehm suggested that the engineer designate the parking area and put a note on the plan that there are 13 spaces.  

Public Hearing- Taz’s Tal 109-113 Dover Road
Mrs. Quinlan stated that they bought the property as a foreclosure and will be operating it as a dog shelter.  They currently have a cat rescue in Manchester that they run successfully.  They would like to add an addition with a steel building to make it weather proof for year round use.  The building will be adding between 1,000-1500 sq. ft.
The Board discussed their concern for the age of the septic system and that there is only a tank and no leach field.  Mr. Tescher did state that there was a septic plan on file and approved by the State of NH.  He will provide documentation.
The Board also discussed the need for more parking to accommodate traffic for adoptions, volunteers and employees.  
The Board also discussed the fact that the property is located within the commercial village district and they would need to meet architectural standards.  
The Board stated that the plan sets needed to be condensed into one plan. Also, the plan needs to show adequate parking. The utility lines need to be shown along with existing down lighting.  Approval number for septic in the event it is needed.

Mr. Brehm made a motion and Mr. Mara seconded that the Board is comfortable showing 12 parking spaces for the business.  Motion passes.

Mrs. Lukmil, an abutter was present and had concerns about parking on Route 4 and how the previous kennel owners misused the sidewalk as parking.  

The Board discussed the architectural design of the building.  Mr. Tescher indicated that the front of the building would remain the same and they would put matching siding on.  The addition of the building is really not visible from the front.  

The public hearing is tabled and will resume next meeting.

Conceptual for Map 5 Lot 50A
Mr. and Mrs. Anderson came before the board to discuss a proposed subdivision on their lot located at 150 Center Road.  Mr. Seraikas, a wetland scientist, stated that he did several test pits which show that the property tests as residential soil and not rural agricultural soil.   They would like feedback from the Board so they can move forward with a subdivision to add an additional lot for their son.  The property does have some steeper sloaps which is a concern.  Mr. Brehm questioned whether or not the property falls under steep lands. He asked whether or not it was higher than a fifteen percent slope. Ninety percent of the lot needs to be buildable. The Board stated they would need to prove to the town that you would not be creating a substandard lot, and if you cannot prove that the Board would need to send you to the Zoning Board of Adjustments.  Mr. Anderson stated that the Road Agent has already looked at the property and had no problem with getting a driveway in.
The Board asked that the soil scientist spell out in a letter exactly what the soil is.

Other business-
Mr. Brehm discussed paving with the CNHRPC changing it to a suitable surface to handle use.  It was CNRPC suggested that we put it not in the zoning, but in our Site Regulations.  
Adjust our zoning ordinance for next March to eliminate all paving ref other than a surface suitable for the use intended, and adjust the site regulations.  
The Board would like to schedule a public hearing for November to change the following items. Adding a portion to the site regs about paving, adjusting the sign ordinance, the flag wording and add structure over any number of ft. needs approval.
Development of regional impact-
Mr. Brehm stated that the Board needs to be sure to vote on every project to determine if it’s a regional impact.  If the Board finds there is an impact abutting Towns must be notified.  
Mrs. Barnouski stated that she did receive a letter for approval from the DMV for Next Level Automotive to become a licensed inspection station.  The consensus of the Board was to sign off on the approval.  
Mrs. Barnouski stated that she had been in touch with Mrs. Marshall, the Town Engineer who had been in contact with Mr. Austin.  Mr. Austin is ready for inspections and he is gathering all his required permits to begin.  

Adjournment- Having no further business, a motion was made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Houle to adjourn the meeting at 9:40pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Kristy Barnouski, Secretary
Not approved until signed.

Chairman, Stan Brehm