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Planning Board Minutes 04/06/2017
  Chichester Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
Thursday April 6, 2017

Members Present:  Interim Chair Dr. Kevin Mara DVM.,  Stan Brehm, Richard Moore, Craig McIntosh, Jeff Jordan, Tom Houle, Ann Davis, Matt Cole, Michael Williams, and Kristy Barnouski Secretary.

Others present: Dan Humphreys, George Ryan, Luke Stevens, Ben Barr, Jonathan Halle, and Keith Babb.

Acting Chair Dr. Mara called the meeting to order at 6:31pm.

Humphrey Holdings, LLC. - Change in Site Plan
Mr. Humphreys the owner of Humphrey’s Holding, LLC came before the Board to discuss a few minor changes in his plan.  He stated that the State DOT requested they move the driveway 6ft west for drainage purposes.  He also wanted to remove the cobble stone design and instead pave with painting.

Mr. Williams made a motion and Mr. Jordan seconded to find there was no change in impact. Motion passes.

Humphrey Holdings, LLC. – Conceptual for sign
Ben Barr of Watchfire spoke on behalf of Humphrey Holdings, LLC to have a conceptual meeting for an electronic message center and Gateway sign.  

Mr. Barr stated that the intent is to improve visibility and not create motion.

Gateway sign welcoming people to NH.  Not digital static face changed once a quarter. Welcomes people in the area and helps business flourish.  

The Board explained that they previously looked to change the sign ordinance a few years before, however it failed to pass by small number.   

The Board took a vote to get a sense of who was in favor of the proposed signs.  The electronic message center had a yes from the vast majority with the exception of Mr. Moore and then all of the members voted no for the gateway sign.

Mr. Mara questioned whether or not the Planning Board can grant sign waiver since it’s in the commercial village?  Mrs. Barnouski will contact the Town attorney to get an opinion on this matter.

If the Town attorney offers opinion that the Planning Board does not have authority, the Board will send a letter to the Zoning Board of Adjustment stating vast majority of the Planning Board are in favor of the electronic message center.

Temporary Occupancy Permit-

George Ryan asked to place the already built tractors on stable gravel of the site located at 160 Dover Road.  Mr. Cole the Building Inspector informed them that he can issue a permit temporary Occupancy.  

Chichester Commons-
Mr. Halle, owner of Chichester Commons attended the meeting as well as he is also interested in an electronic message center and will await the opinion of the Town attorney for further action.

K&B Crushing
Mr. Babb asked that the board to approve his application to the state for a car dealer license.  Mr. Babb stated that he needs the dealer plates in order to transport his machinery to Massachusetts and only intends on selling the required amount of vehicles in order to obtain this retail dealer plates.

The Planning Board stated that this change in use invokes a site plan according to RSA 259:29A.

The Board will table the denial letter until next month.  Mr. Babb will be putting in an application for Site Plan Review.

Approval of fee schedule-
After discussion of the fees a motion was made by Mr. Brehm and seconded by Ms. Davis to approve the proposed update in the Planning and Zoning Fees.  Motion passes.

Mr. Brehm made a motion and Mr. Houle seconds to move the next Planning Board meeting to May 11, 2017.  Motion passes.

Mr. Williams made a motion and Mr. Mara seconds to nominate Mr. Brehm as Chairman of the Planning Board. All in favor, Aye.  Motion passes.

Mr. Houle made a motion and Mr. Brehm seconds to nominate Mr. Williams as Vice-Chairman of the Planning Board.  All in favor, Aye.  Motion passes.

Adjournment- Having no further business, a motion was made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Houle to adjourn the meeting at 9:03pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Kristy Barnouski, Secretary
Not approved until signed.

Acting Chairman Dr. Kevin Mara, DVM.