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Planning Board Minutes 02/02/2017
      Chichester Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
Thursday, February 2, 2017

Members Present:
Chairman Dr. Kevin Mara DVM., Stan Brehm, Jeff Jordan ex officio, Tom Houle, Ann Davis, Matt Cole, Craig McIntosh, and Richard Moore.

Chairman Mara stated that due to the recusal of Tom Houle, alternate Matt Cole, will be a voting member.

The minutes from the December 2016 and January 2017 Chichester Planning Board meetings were not available to all members for review so the review was deferred to next months meeting.  All members will need a copy of the minutes for review at the March meeting.

General Discussion- Grateful Sleds LLC relocation to 345 Suncook Valley Road
Planning Board member Tom Houle is relocating his business, Grateful Sleds LLC, from Canterbury Road in Chichester to 345 Suncook Valley Road in Chichester.  The new location is in Blueberry Plaza on Route 28 near the Pittsfield Town line.  The previous business at this location was Diamond Signs.  The Grateful Sleds business is a similar use, similar traffic, similar septic usage, and is expected to have similar parking requirements as the previous businesses at this location.  The use appears to be consistent with the permitted uses for this zone including (k) and (v) Automotive & Autobody shop listed on pages 8 and 9 of the Chichester Zoning ordinance.

The Planning Board consensus is that the proposed business will not create a “change in impact” so a site review will not be required.

General Discussion – 195 Horse Corner Road
Nick and Justine Hayward asked whether they can subdivide approx. 14 acres from the approx. 18 acre property at 195 Horse Corner Road.  The property is a non conforming lot due to its lack of road frontage, it has approx. 167 feet of frontage on Horse Corner Road.  Members of the Planning Board discussed whether Dame Road is still a Town Road and can be used as access or frontage and whether there are any other accesses to the proposed subdivided lot.  The Planning Board explained that the ZBA would need to be involved if the lot does not meet the current Chichester Zoning Ordinance.

The Haywards will review the items discussed and possibly ask a surveyor for assistance.

General Discussion – Chichester Condominiums/White Birch Condominiums
A potential buyer for this project has asked whether the project is approved by the Chichester Planning Board.  This project has a very long history and was changed several times by the applicant.  The Planning Board did recently clarify items at the request of the applicant and the project was ok’d with some contingencies.  The status of those contingencies including a fire hydrant system and using an escrow account to pay for on site inspections is not known. It was not clear at the meeting whether final plans had been submitted and signed by the Chichester Planning Board.

General Discussion – Chichester Zoning Amendments
The board discussed drafting an overview of the proposed Chichester Zoning Amendments to be published in the Suncook Valley Sun newspaper.

Next Meeting-
The next meeting will be held on March 2, 2017.

Adjournment-Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Ms. Davis and seconded by Mr. Cole to adjourn the meeting at approx. 7:05pm.

Not approved until signed.

Chairman Kevin Mara