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Planning Board Minutes 10/06/2016
Chichester Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
Thursday, October 6, 2016

Members Present:
Chairman Dr. Kevin Mara DVM., Stan Brehm, Richard DeBold-alternate ex officio, Tom Houle, Ann Davis, Michael Williams and Kristy Barnouski, Secretary.
Others present: Chris Rice, Dan Humphreys, George Ryan, Ersun & Julia Ficici, Mr. & Mrs. Heon and other members of the public.

Chairman Mara called the meeting to order at 6:35pm

Chairman Mara stated that due to the absence of some full members Mr. Williams, an alternate, will be a voting member.

Mr. Brehm made a motion to accept the minutes for September 8, 2016, and Ms. Davis seconded the motion. Motion passes.

Public Hearing- Humphrey Holdings LLC/Ryan Tractor-
Chris Rice from T.F. Moran proposed a plan for Humphrey Holdings LLC, for Ryan Tractor with a sixteen page site plan review to construct a new tractor dealership located at 164 Dover Road.  The property is Map 3 Lot 12-A, which is located in the Commercial Village District.  

The current property is 4.1 acres with a three family home situated on it.  Currently the house is being demolished.

The initial plan, which showed an 8400 sq. ft. building was reviewed by Mrs. Barnouski and Mr. Monahan from Central NH Regional Planning Commission.  The plan showed grading in the wetland buffer which the regulations do not allow for, and Mr. Rice was informed as such.  

Mr. Rice and his clients had a meeting with the contractors and in an effort to reduce costs, the plan was then revised.  The new plan shows a 5600 sq. ft. building plus a 16 ft. wide farmer’s porch out front. The original plan needs to be updated to reflect the building changes.  

Mr. Rice presented three waivers to the Planning Board.  The first waiver is for regulation number twelve in the Commercial Village which reads, no structure within the CV zone shall have a footprint greater than five thousand sq. ft.  Mr. Rice explained that he felt it was a reasonable request.  The size of the buildings surrounding the area are of similar statues, and the design of the building will keep with the rural character as intended in the Master Plan.  

The second waiver presented is for checklist item number 14, which is to show existing water supply and sewage disposal facilities on the site plan within a 200’ radius.  Mr. Rice explained to the Board that he did not have access to the neighboring property well locations and he was not able to survey their properties. He did also say that due to the location of his clients well and the amount of acreage, it is out of the area that would have any impact on any neighboring properties.

The third waiver is for the site plan regulation under 10) Wetlands, (a) iii- Other setbacks.  A 100 foot buffer zone will be maintained between wetlands and any land change.  Mr. Rice explained that there were conflicting regulations between the Site Plan Regulations and the zoning ordinance which only requires a 25 ft. buffer.  Mr. Rice stated that after the new grading design is finished the buffer will be approximately 40 ft.  

Mr. Rice asked the Board if it was possible to obtain a partial or conditional approval due the time of the year and the time crunch they are facing with the impeding cold and snow to get the foundation in the ground.

Mr. Brehm asked that all waivers be added as notes to the plan.

Waiver 1)
Mr. Williams made a motion and Ms. Davis seconds to approve the waiver requested to have a structure over 5000 sq. ft. in the commercial village zone. Motion passes.

Waiver 2)
Mr. Williams made a motion and Mr. DeBold seconded to waive checklist item number 14 provided that there is no impact on any neighboring properties.  Motion passes.  

Mr. Brehm believes that it was an oversight in our site plan regulations that left the 100 ft. buffer in and was not reduced to 25ft as reflected in our zoning. Mr. Jameson, a current Selectmen and former Planning Board member who was sitting in the audience agreed.  

Waiver 3)
Mr. Brehm made a motion and Ms. Davis seconded to grant the waiver for the 100 ft. wetland buffer.  Motion passes.

Chairman Mara stated that it is a condition of approval that the Fire Department and the Building Inspector would need to review the plan pertaining to the square footage of the building and what is required as far as sprinklers/firewalls, and the position of the propane tanks and installing possible bollards.

Chairman Mara also stated that they needed to obtain a DOT permit as well as an alteration of Terrain Permit from DES if necessary.

The Planning Board reviewed the checklist and deemed it complete.  

Mr. Williams made a motion and Ms. Davis seconded that the Planning Board accept the application as complete. Motion passes.

Mr. Williams made a motion and Ms. Davis seconded to approve the site plan review for Humphrey Holdings LLC/Ryan Tractor with the condition of approvals. Mr. Brehm abstained. Motion passes.

Chairman Mara stated that the approval does not include the sign.  The sign proposal will have to be submitted to the Building Inspector for approval and meet all regulations.  

Conceptual meeting, Shawn Porter-
Mr. Porter came before the Planning Board to get discuss a home occupation business that he would like to have at a property he is interested in purchasing on 59 Burnt Hill Road.  

Mr. Porter currently owns an automotive business in Epsom and wishes to relocate his family and business to Chichester and is seeking the Boards approval.  

The home has a large garage located in the back of the property that would be ideal for his workshop.  Mr. Porter stated that he would have reasonable business hours and would comply with all home occupation regulations.

It was brought to the attention of Mrs. Barnouski that there may be some deed restrictions on the housing development that the home is located within.  Mrs. Barnouski did pull the deed for the Board to review.  The Board did not find anything in the deed that would restrict Mr. Porter from having a home occupation.  

The Board gave Mr. Porter the process for applying for a home occupation which includes a public hearing.  The Board agreed that Mr. Porter was well within the bounds to apply.

Quest Auto Outlet, Customer parking-
Mrs. Barnouski stated that after receiving several complaints about Quest Auto Outlet’s customer parking and overcrowding of the lot, she went down to speak with Mr. Ficici about the situation.  Mr. Ficici offered to attend the Planning Board meeting to resolve any issues the Board may have.  

Mr. and Mrs. Ficici stated at the meeting that they had already removed some of the vehicles out of the driveway area and made room for customer parking as well as put up a handicap sign.  They also brought pictures to show their progress and to also show no vehicles were parked on the septic or well, which was also a concern.  

The Board explained to the owners of the business how important it is to have the driveway clear and parking for customers so patrons are not parking out on Route 4, which is extremely dangerous.

Mr. and Mrs. Ficici acknowledged and told the Board they would keep the areas clear.  

Conceptual- 10 Chichester Lane
Mr. Heon came before the Board to discuss a property he recently viewed located on 10 Chichester Lane and its potential to build a second home on the property and have a home occupation.  

The property is unique as it only as 50 ft. of road frontage and is separated in to two different lots. It also is located in the commercial zone.  

The Board explained at this time, he could put in an accessory dwelling built to code in the home, or possibly the garage.  Currently the ordinances do not allow for two homes on one parcel.

  Mr. Brehm explained that the ordinances do not allow for a home occupation in the commercial zone, so a full site plan review would have to be completed Mr. Heon’s trucking company since it would be a mixed use lot.

Next Meeting-
The next meeting will be held on November 3, 2016.

Adjournment-Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Ms. Davis to adjourn the meeting at 7:57pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Kristy Barnouski
Not approved until signed.

Chairman Kevin Mara