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Planning Board Minutes 11/03/2016
Chichester Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
Thursday, November 3, 2016

Members Present:
Chairman Dr. Kevin Mara DVM., Stan Brehm, Jeff Jordan, Richard Moore, Tom Houle, Ann Davis, Craig McIntosh, Matt Cole, Michael Williams and Kristy Barnouski, Secretary.
Others present: Gary Anderson, Craig Anderson and other members of the public.

Chairman Mara called the meeting to order at 6:30pm

Mr. Houle made a motion and Mr. McIntosh seconded to accept the minutes of 10/06/2016.

Conceptual-298 Dover Rd
Gary and Craig Anderson of Shirtmasters wanted to discuss the possibility of putting a multi store front building on the property.  They are considering building a larger space for their business as well as putting a few additional spaces for other business.  

The Planning Board advised the Andersons that the property is located in the Commercial/Industrial Zone and the type of business is allowed but stated that they should contact the D.O.T. to find out what would approved for that location.  They also suggested to talk to a surveyor to find out if the site would be able to hold a septic that large.

Enigma Holdings-
Chairman Mara stated that he was planning on building a barn and wasn’t sure if he would be required to do a site plan review.  He stated that it would be for personal use and not his business.  The lot is located in the Commercial/Industrial zone and is mixed use.  

After some discussion, Mr. Mara stated that he would update his current site plan to reflect the change with the barn and do a site plan review.

Master Plan Update-
Mr. Williams stated that he sent out emails in August to all the groups involved in the Master Plan looking for updated chapters to replace the current ones.  He has received seven back and is waiting to receive four more.  He is hoping to have them back by the 12/01/2016 meeting.  

The Board discussed possibly encumbering the $3,000.00 that was approved at Town meeting for the update of the Master Plan. No decisions were made.

Zoning changes-
The Board discussed zoning changes that need to be proposed.  The first is to clarify the wetland buffer zone in the site plan regulations to match the Chichester zoning ordinances. The second is to change the accessory dwelling unit ordinance to reflect the recent changes in legislation.  Lastly, to change the wording on the flag ordinance to comply with Federal law.

A public hearing is scheduled for December 1, 2016 to amend the site plan regulations to clarify the wetland buffer.  

A public hearing will be held January 5, 2016 to address the changes for the accessory dwelling units and the wording in the flag ordinance.  

Next Meeting-
The next meeting will be held on December 1, 2016.

Adjournment-Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Brehm and seconded by Ms. Davis to adjourn the meeting at 7:59pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Kristy Barnouski
Not approved until signed.

Chairman Kevin Mara