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Planning Board Minutes 05/12/2016
  Chichester Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
Thursday, May 12, 2016

Members Present:
 Chairman Kevin Mara DVM., Richard Moore, Stan Brehm, Jeff Jordan, Tom Houle, Ann Davis,  Craig McIntosh, and Kristy McIntosh, Secretary.

Chairman Mara called the meeting to order at 6:30pm

George Ryan & Daniel Humphry- Conceptual for 164 Dover Rd.
Chris Rice for TFMoran came to speak about a business they are proposing at the property for a tractor supply dealership.   

The Board explained to Mr. Ryan and Mr. Rice that the property was located in the commercial village district which would require waivers.  

The applicants stated that the current building on the property would be demolished and replaced with an approximately 8,000 sq. ft. building with tarred parking lot for tractor display.  

Mr. Mara stated that Mr. Ryan would need to talk to D.O.T. for a driveway permit.

Mr. Ryan stated that they plan to apply for a Site Plan Review this summer.  

Corey Fitz- Continuation of Site Plan Review 376 Dover Rd., Over the Top Shelters-
The plan reviewed the items that needed to be changed. First being the handicap space which was relocated.  Secondly, there was a second driveway permit issued by the road agent.  

The final item was the plan name was in Corey Fitz’s name, however he had not closed on the home yet.  To resolve this issue, the plan name was changed from Mr. Fitz’s name to the Estate of Shirley Waters which will transfer with the sale of the home.   Mr. Fitz closes on the home the following day so he has the option to change it back to his name before the final Mylar is signed.

Mr. Jordan made a motion to approve the Site Plan Review for Corey Fitz at 376 Dover Rd and seconded it by Ms. Davis.  Motion passes.

Bobcat-Site Plan Review-Mark Blanchard, 9 Dover Rd-
Mr. Blanchard stated that the new building will be 75X60 on the backside of the existing building.  He showed the current plans along with plans for the new building.  

Mr. Blanchard stated that there is already tarred parking existing.  There will be no other changes to the site.

The Board requested that Mr. Blanchard add some items to the plan including the first floor elevation, adding the well to the plan and to also show the parking.

Mr. Brehm made a motion to accept the application as complete.  Mr. Jordan seconds the motion. Motion Passes.

Mr. Brehm made a motion to approve the Site Plan Review for Bobcat located at 9 Dover Rd.  Mr. Jordan seconds the motion.  Motion passes.

Jonathon Halle-Conceptual for Elderly Housing-114A Dover Rd.-
Mr. Halle stated that he would like to propose a 24 unit elderly housing with 3 floors and a community well.  

Mr. Halle stated that he is having conversations with D.O.T. district 5 about the curb cut and driveway access for the units.  He is trying to sort out an issue with a deed for the current driveway.  It may need a lot line adjustment to move the driveway.

The existing septic will be moved to the back of the lot.  

The units will be available to 55 years and older, and two bedrooms.

A formal application will be made for a Site Plan Review within the next few months.  

Ersun Ficici, Quest Auto Outlet-Site Plan Review-
Mr. Ficici submitted an application for Quest Auto Outlet at the location of 187 Dover Rd.  

Mr. Ficici requested waivers for #2, 5, 13, 15, and 26 which were approved.

Mr. Ficici has applied for a D.O.T. driveway permit.  

The Site Plan was hand drawn and Mr. Brehm did not feel comfortable with the plan not being engineered.  The consensus of the Board was that the appropriate information was on the plan so it was acceptable.  

Mr. Houle made a motion to accept the application as complete and Mr. McIntosh seconds the motion.  Motion passes.

Mr. Jordan made a motion to approve the application for Site Plan Review for Quest Auto Outlet for 187 Dover Rd and Mr. McIntosh seconds it.  Motion passes.

Election for Chair and Co-Chair-
Mr. Mara was nominated for Chairman of the board by Mr. Brehm.  A vote was taken and Mr. Mara was elected Chairman of Planning Board.  

Mr. Brehm was nominated for Co-Chair of the Planning Board by Mr. Mara.  A vote was taken and Mr. Brehm was elected Co-Chair of the Planning Board.  

Adjournment-Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Mara and seconded by Jordan to adjourn the meeting at 8:42pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Kristy McIntosh
Not approved until signed.

Chairman Dr. Kevin Mara