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Planning Board Minutes 02/12/2015
Chichester Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
Thursday, February 12, 2015

Members Present:  Kevin Mara, Chairman, Thomas Houle, Allen Mayville, Alan Williams, and Secretary Jamie A Pike.

Chairman Mara called the meeting to order at 6:42pm.

Pursuant to RSA 673:11, Chairman Mara appointed Alan Williams as a voting member for the purposes of this meeting.

The minutes of January 8, 2015 were reviewed.  A motion was made by Mr. Houle and seconded by Mayville to approve the minutes as written.  Motion passes.

The minutes of February 5, 2015 were reviewed.  A motion was made by Mr. Houle and seconded by Mayville to approve the minutes as written.  Motion passes.

Conceptual Review: Chuckster’s
Mark Blasko was present to speak on the merits of the proposal.

Mark explained that land is running tight and there is an opportunity to move the parking behind the Weathervane restaurant.  The biggest issue seen is the pedestrian crossing of Bailey Road.  Dr. Mara felt the only concern would be liability and potential lighting of the street during evening hours.  Mr. Mayville suggested signage and crosswalk marking.  Dr. Mara encourages the proposal.  Additional signage on the Weathervane property where they are already maximized, may present problems, and Mark was directed to consider appealing to the ZBA for any necessary variances.

Conceptual Review: Gary Anderson
Gary Anderson was present to speak on the merits of the proposal.

Mr. Anderson currently rents a first floor apartment/office within the existing apartment building upon Map 3 Lot 59 (Showcase Consignments) and desires to operate an internet car sales business from the location.  The lot is currently paved.  There would be no automotive work being done on the site.  All sales are internet based, customer traffic is limited to an appointment basis only.  Based on the intended change in use to the existing property, a motion was made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Mayville to allow the proposed business to operate out of the existing apartment/office without further review.  Motion passes.  

Other Business:

Dr. Mara previously requested a listing of all Home Occupations that are due to expire.  There are currently 4; Tom Houle, Brandon Guida, Scott Marston, and Scott DeCota.  After a review of the Ordinance, it was determined that the existing applications merely need to be reviewed for conformity and re-issue the permit.  Mr. Pike will bring the applications back for review at a future meeting.

The Board reviewed the “Letter to the Editor” for publication in the Suncook Sun.  Minor changes were made and shall be submitted for publication on February 25th.  

The Board discussed talking to area businesses about placing messages on their signs encouraging the proposed sign ordinance.

Being no further business, a motion was made by Mr. Houle and seconded by Mr. Mayville to adjourn the meeting at 7:30pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

Jamie A Pike

                                                                Not approved until signed.

Kevin J Mara, DVM