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Planning Board Minutes 06/06/2013
Chichester Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
June 6, 2013

Members Present:  Chairman Kevin Mara, Vice Chairman Tom Jameson, Ex-Officio Jeffrey Jordan, Stan Brehm, Allen Mayville, Richard Moore, Thomas Houle, Alan Williams, Michael Williams, and Secretary Jamie A Pike.

Others Present:  Selectman Richard DeBold, Philip Hitchcock, Ann Davis, Barbara Frangione, and Donna Chagnon.

Chairman Mara called the meeting to order at 6:30pm.

Selectman DeBold was present to speak on the issue of the appointment of Mr. Houle as a full voting member and appointing Mr. Arell to an alternate member.  Mr. DeBold explained that the decision was made primarily on attendance records. Dr. Mara challenged this decision stating that it was a rather a political decision.  A lively discussion ensued, resulting in the understanding that there is a greater need for communication between the Boards.

Home Occupation:  Frank and Wendy Harrison, Map 5 Lot 8-1, 39 Granny Howe Road
Frank and Wendy Harrison were present to speak on the merits of the application.

Mr. Jameson recused himself from the Board for the purposes of hearing this application.

Mr. Harrison explained that both he and his wife are teachers and desire to start a summer nature camp for children called Wild Otter Ways.  Mr. Harrison explained the layout of the facility.  The existing garage will be used as the “base camp” where classroom space will be provided.  A new driveway will be constructed to allow for easy ingress and egress from the property and allow for the parking of 16 vehicles.  This is a drop off facility, so rarely would there be vehicles that remain on site for any extended period of time.  There is also dedicated handicapped parking located at the garage area.  Mr. Moore ran through the details of the application making sure the ordinance was met in its standards.  There were several questions as to the potential traffic impact to Granny Howe Road.  Mr. Harrison agreed that there will be an increase in traffic for two periods each day during pick up and drop off, but did not feel was a major impact compared to Cross Road.  And, whereas the impact was only during the summer months, it would cause diminutive damage to the road.  The proposed signage was also reviewed by the Board.

A motion was made by Mr. Jordan and seconded by Dr. Mara, to accept the application as complete.  Motion passes.

Chairman Mara called the Public Hearing to order to hear comment from the public.

Abutters Present: Roger Landry

Mr. Landry expressed his concern over the traffic impact. Mr. Jameson further explained the traffic flow within the property, and that it was designed to minimize bottlenecked traffic on the road.  The speed limit on Granny Howe Road is 25mph, and the site has sufficient sight distances to ensure safety.

Mr. Brehm discussed placing conditions on the operation of the business to control the growth of the business.

Without further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Brehm and seconded by Mr. Jordan to approve the application as presented with the following subsequent conditions:
1.      Classes shall be limited to 25 students at one time.
2.      The camp shall not exceed 90 days of operation during the period of May through August; and shall not be operational September through April.
3.      The camp shall maintain an active license from the NH Youth Recreation Camp Licensing Program.
Motion Passes.

Conceptual Subdivision: Michael Sargent, Map 8 Lot 50, Suncook Valley Road
Michael Sargent was present to speak on the merits of the proposal.

Mr. Sargent presented a plan to the Board that involves the creation of 4 new lots from his parcel located on Route 28.  Two of the lots would share a common drive as there is a water crossing involved.  Mr. Sargent shall submit a formal application for consideration at the July meeting.

Heritage Commission – Community Charrette
Lucille Noel was present to speak on behalf of the Commission.

Ms. Noel gave a synopsis of the benefits and purposes of a Community Charrette.  Ms. Noel explained that the cost of the charrette is $5,000 and the Heritage Commission intends to raise all funds by donation.  Ms. Noel is seeking a letter of support from the Planning Board.

Other Business:

A motion was made by Mr. Brehm and seconded by Mr. Houle to approve the minutes as amended.

Mr. Houle briefly discussed the Master Plan.

Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Brehm and seconded by Mr. Jameson to adjourn the meeting at 8:58pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,


Jamie A Pike                                                    Kevin J Mara, DVM