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Planning Board Minutes 08/09/2012
Chichester Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
August 9, 2012

Members Present:  Chairman Kevin Mara, Vice Chair Tom Jameson, Ex-Officio Jeffrey Jordan, Richard Arell, Stan Brehm, Allen Mayville, Thomas Houle, Alan Williams, and Secretary Jamie Pike.

Chairman Mara called meeting to order at 6:30pm.

Pursuant to RSA 673:11, Chairman Mara appointed Mr. Williams as a voting member for the purposes of this meeting.

The minutes of July 12, 2012 were reviewed.  Being no corrections, a motion was made by Mr. Brehm and seconded by Mr. Mayville to approve the minutes as written.  Motion passes.

Conceptual Review: Subdivision, Dennis Nolin, Map 6 Lot 22, Canterbury Road

Mr. Nolin and Surveyor Rick Turner were present to speak on the merits of the proposal.

Mr. Nolin proposes to subdivide the immediate 2.9 acres surrounding the current home from the remaining 54.5 acres.  The lot is within the Rural Agricultural Zone.  Soil samples have been taken and the resulting soils are determined to be Gloucester type.  These type soils are consistent with those found within the Residential Zone, there for reducing the minimum acreage requirement to 2 acres with road frontage of 200 feet.  The Board discussed the subdivision procedure with Mr. Nolin and Mr. Turner.  It was determined that only a sufficient area of the remaining 51.6 acres be surveyed and delineated for wetlands to determine that the lot conforms with existing zoning requirements.  The entirety of the 2.9 acre lot shall be surveyed and have its wetlands delineated in their entirety.  It is expected that Mr. Nolin will return in October with the completed plan for formal submission.

Conceptual Review: Site Review, Joel Silver, Map 9 Lot 91A, Suncook Valley Highway.

Mr. Silver was present to speak on the merits of the proposal.

Mr. Williams recused himself from the Board for the purposes of this review, as he is a direct abutter.

Mr. Silver currently operates the Army/Navy store located on the subject parcel.  Mr. Silver in his spare time repairs cars at his home and desires to display these cars for sale upon the lot.  He proposes to display not more than 6 cars at any time and park them upon the grassy area to the north side of the lot along the eastern boundary.  Mr. Silver also proposes to attach temporary signage to the cars advertising their sale as the existing signage upon the property is at its maximum.  The Board discussed at length various issues including the type of surface that should be required for the parking and display purposes.  Types of surfaces discussed were impervious pavement, pervious pavement, gravel, or other pervious surface treatments.  The Board shall seek advice from the Conservation Commission as to the type of surface that should be required.  Mr. Silver was directed to meet with Mr. Pike the following week to discuss moving forward with the proposal.

Other Business:

The Board requested that Mr. Pike provide the City of Concord Sign Ordinance for review at the next meeting.

The Planning Board Bylaws and Rules of Procedure were signed as adopted on July 12, 2012.

The Board reviewed and made changes to the proposed new Home Occupation Application.

Chairman Mara, by his signature, gave final administrative approval to the Richard Boddie Subdivision located on Perry Brook Road.

The next meeting of the Board will occur on September 6, 2012 at 6:30pm.  There are no appointments scheduled at this time.

Being no further business the, a motion was made by Mr. Brehm and seconded by Mr. Arell to adjourn the meeting at 7:49pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

Jamie A Pike, Secretary

                                                                        Not approved until signed.
Kevin J Mara, DVM