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Planning Board Minutes 04/05/2012
Chichester Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
April 5, 2012

Members Present:  Chairman Kevin Mara, Ex-Officio Jeffrey Jordan, Richard Moore, Allen Mayville, Alan Williams, Thomas Houle, and Secretary Jamie A Pike.

Chairman Mara called the meeting to order at 6:30pm.

Pursuant to RSA 673:11, Chairman Mara appointed alternate members Alan Williams and Thomas Houle to act as voting members for the purpose of this meeting in the absence of Stan Brehm and Richard Arell.

The minutes of the February 2, 2012 meeting were reviewed.  A motion was made by Mr. Jordan and seconded by Mr. Mayville to approve the minutes as presented.  Motion passes.

Conceptual Review: Subdivision; Richard Boddie, Map 9 Lot 8, Perry Brook Road
Mr. Richard Boddie was present to speak on the merits of the proposal.  Mr. Pike reviewed the previously submitted plans with the Board and shared those findings that had already been made.  Additional comments from the Board included the addition of the existing utility easement upon the property, and requested that Mr. Boddie verify that there are no structures within 100 ft of the boundary on any abutting properties, and if so, such should be so noted on the plan.  Being no further comments, the Board shall receive the formal application at the next meeting on May 3, 2012, and take formal action upon such at that time.

Election of Officers

A motion was made by Mr. Moore and seconded by Mr. Jordan to elect Dr. Mara as chairman for the ensuing year.  Motion passes.

A motion was made by Dr. Mara and seconded by Mr. Jordan to elect Mr. Jameson as vice-chairman for the ensuing year.  Motion passes.

Other Business

Mr. Pike shall review the most recent updated Impact Fee Study and update the Board on suggested changes to the Site Review and Subdivision Regulations that were incorporated into the report.

Mr. Pike updated the Board on the Safe Routes To School grant.  The CNHRPC has met with the school district to discuss the potential of moving forward with the grant process.  If the School District does not wish to move forward, the town will have the option of applying for funding.  Some potential projects that were on the forefront were traffic calming measures on Main Street, such as road re-striping, increased safety signage and speed enforcement radar detectors around the school zone.

Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Houle to adjourn the meeting at 7:15pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,                                                 Not approved until signed.

Jamie A Pike                            
Kevin J Mara, DVM