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Planning Board Minutes 11/03/2011
Chichester Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
November 3, 2011

Members Present:  Chairman Kevin Mara, Ex-Officio Jeffrey Jordan, Richard Moore, Allen Mayville, Alan Williams and Secretary Jamie Pike.

Chairman Mara called the meeting to order at 6:25pm.

Pursuant to RSA 673:11, Chairman Mara appointed Mr. Williams as a voting member for the purposes of this meeting in the absence of Stan Brehm.

The minutes of October 6, 2011 were reviewed.  A motion was made by Mr. Moore and seconded by Mr. Mayville to approve the minutes as written.  Motion passes.

Mr. Williams and Mr. Mayville provided an overview of the 2011 Land Use Law Lecture Series.  The Board requested that copies of the course materials be ordered and provided to each member.

The Board discussed the signage at the site of Signs4Jesus.  Mr. Pike shall review the final approval to determine if the existing signage in conformance.

An amendment to the rules of procedure detailing the roles of alternates during meetings was reviewed.  The proposed language was edited and shall be inserted into the Rules of Procedure and shall be scheduled for adoption at a future meeting.

Zoning Amendments:  The Board discussed the re-adoption of the Workforce Housing District.  An education session will be held at the February meeting in conjunction with the Public Hearing upon the ordinance.  A mailer will be developed to be sent to all households during the month of January.  A motion was made by Mr. Moore and seconded by Mr. Jordan to place the WFH District Ordinance on the ballot for the next town meeting.  Motion passes.

Being no further business, a motion was made by Dr. Mara and seconded by Mr. Williams to adjourn the meeting at 7:45pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Jamie A Pike, Secretary

Not approved until signed.

Kevin J Mara, DVM; Chairman