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Planning Board Minutes 01/06/2011
Chichester Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
January 6, 2011

Members present: Chairman Thomas Jameson, Vice-Chairman Richard Moore, Ex-Officio Jeffrey Jordan, Richard Arell, Stan Brehm, Kevin Mara, Allen Mayville, Thomas Houle (Alt.) and Secretary Jamie A Pike.

Chairman Jameson called the meeting to order at 6:30pm.

Design Review:  Bethal Builders (AKA Signs for Jesus)

Mr. Fab Cusson was present to speak on the merits of the application.

Mr. Cusson explained to the Board that the application is a resubmission of the original application as previously submitted in July 2010.  The purpose of the application is to seek approval for the installation of an electronic message sign and control room upon the property known as Map 4 Lot 168.  Mr. Cusson reviewed the previous denial issued by the Planning Board and reviewed the process undertaken with the ZBA causing for a reversal of the issued decisions and the invalidation of the lighting ordinance as it pertains to electronic message boards.

The Planning Board reviewed the current plan set and application.  Mr. Moore, having completed a review prior to the meeting, reviewed his findings with the board and applicant.  (The following list includes but is not exhaustive of those findings that were unresolved and need further clarification and modification.)

1.      Remove the depiction of the pre-existing structure as it was not existent at the time of application.
2.      Provided a detailed depiction of adequate parking area, interior site traffic patterns, and ingress and egress traffic patterns.
3.      Detailed provision of solid waste disposal facilities or a notation if such is not required or proposed.
4.      A revised signage plan in conformance with the ordinance with dimensions not exceeding 4ft by 6ft where the proposed sign is 4’1” by 8’5”.
5.      An updated NH DOT Driveway permit, proof of application shall be sufficient.
6.      A NH DOT sign permit, proof of application shall be sufficient.
7.      Depiction and location of all existing utility(water and sewer) structures and notations describing their termination and the provision of future sewer disposal facilities.
8.      Detail surface water drainage provisions.
9.      Detail wetland delineation upon the site.
10.     Revise locus map
11.     Provide a detail of sign operation standards such as the length of message to be displayed and lighting levels
12.     Provision of site lines from abutting roadways and intersections

The Board discussed further the completeness of the application and whether or not such could be accepted.  A motion was made by Dr. Mara and seconded by Mr. Jordan to continue the design review to February 3, 2011 based upon the insufficiency of data provided and those outstanding items that need to be addressed.  Motion passes.

Chairman Jameson recessed the meeting for 10 minutes.

Design Review:  Mal-Mar LLC (AKA Bobcat of New Hampshire)

Mr. Mark Blanchard was present to speak on the merits of the application.
Mr. Blanchard presented the Board with an application to alter existing sign upon the property to include an electronic message board.  The current sign includes a logo graphic and a manually changeable letter board.

No site plat was prepared as there is no change to the location of the sign or any changes to the existing site plat associated with this application.  

The proposed sign will be 4 ft by 6 ft.  The site has previously approved for 104 sq/ft of signage.  The proposed sign will decrease the existing square footage that currently exists.  The Board requested a detailed sign operation plan including luminaire levels.

A motion was made by Dr. Mara and seconded by Mr. Jordan to accept the application.  Motion passes.

Public Hearing: Mal-Mar LLC (AKA Bobcat of New Hampshire)

There were no abutters present.

Mr. Gary Cote of Lover’s Lane spoke in favor of the application and the allowance of the LED sign as Route 4 is a commercial corridor and businesses should be able take advantage of technologies to advertise their business.

Ms. Lucille Noel of Canterbury Road spoke in opposition of the application as electronic message boards are not consistent with the Master Plan where such encourages the maintenance of Chichester’s rural character.

Mr. Fab Cusson spoke in favor of the application.

Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Mayville and seconded by Dr. Mara to conditionally approve the application provided that a detailed signage operation plan is submitted and that such approval shall lapse in 12 months pursuant to RSA 674:39 if the sign is not installed.  Motion passes.

Being no further business before the Board, a motion was made by Dr. Mara and seconded by Mr. Brehm to adjourn the meeting at 8:50pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

Jamie A Pike

Approved as written February 6, 2011

Thomas Jameson, Chairman