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Planning Board Minutes 02/04/2010
Chichester Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
February 4, 2010

Members Present:  Chairman Thomas Jameson, Vice-Chairman Richard Moore, Kevin Mara, Richard Arell, Allen Mayville and Secretary Jamie A Pike.

Chairman Jameson opened the meeting at 6:40pm

Pursuant to RSA 673:11, Chairman Jameson appointed Mr. Mayville as a voting member to fill a vacancy for the purposes of this meeting.

The Board reviewed a letter received from the Building Inspector, John Dever regarding the signage at the Healthy Buffalo.  Mr. Dever is seeking clarity on two questions: 1) Is the Buffalo to be considered signage and 2) Does the erection of this sign require site review?  This application is to be discussed later in the evening. (Amended 03-04-10)

The minutes of the January 28th meeting were reviewed and a motion was made by Mr. Mayville and seconded by Mr. Jameson to approve the minutes as written.  Motion passes.

Design Review:  Brent Moses, B & F Curley, LLA, Map 2 Lot 58, Higgins Road
Surveyor Web Stout was present to speak on the merits of the proposal.

Mr. Stout explained that the purpose of this LLA is to make the property line consistent with the Town Line.  This area consists of 2,941 sq/ft and will be transferred to Mr. Curley of Pembroke.  The LLA was previously approved by the Pembroke Planning Board on January 26th.

A motion was made by Dr. Mara and seconded by Mr. Arell to accept the application as complete.  Motion passes.

Public Hearing: Brent Moses, B & F Curley, LLA, Map 2 Lot 58, Higgins Road
Surveyor Web Stout was present to speak on the merits of the proposal.

There were no abutters present.

Being no discussion, a motion was made by Dr. Mara and seconded by Mr. Arell to approve the plat as presented.  Motion passes.

Public Hearing: Brent Moses, B & F Curley, Subdivision Modification, Map 2 Lot 58, Higgins Road
Surveyor Web Stout was present to speak on the merits of the proposal.

There were no abutters present.

The modification presented represents the changes made to the original subdivision plan due to the LLA previously heard.

Being no discussion, a motion was made by Dr. Mara and seconded by Mr. Jameson to approve the revised plat as presented.  Motion passes.

Discussion:  Fuat Ari, Map 7 Lot 5

Mr. Ari came before the board to discuss the issue that his land has no road frontage.  Mr. Ari’s lot is a backland lot off Hilliard Road.  A subdivision plan of the abutting McKerley Lot was found and upon that plat a road was laid out.  According to this plat, this road did not provide frontage to Mr. Ari’s parcel.  Mr. Ari stated that there was a lot line adjustment previously approved involving his parcel and that it should not have been granted as it did not make the parcel conforming.  Mr. Ari also stated that he was led to believe from the seller that his parcel did have road frontage.  The Board explained that any past approval stands regardless of its legitimacy.  It was also explained to Mr. Ari that that any representation made by the seller is not within the jurisdiction of the Planning Board and would be a civil matter.

Discussion:  Kersch Holdings (Healthy Buffalo), Map 3 Lot 29-1, Dover Road

Mr. Kersch came before the board to discuss an increase in signage.  In regards to the previously mentioned letter from the Building Inspector, the board determined that the requested signage did not create a substantial impact and would not require site review.

In addition, the Board determined that signage shall be measured using one face of the sign to determine its square footage, and that in this particular case the representation of the buffalo attached to the base signage shall be considered signage because it represents the context of the business.

Mr. Kersch presented a drawing of the signage as-built.  Including the buffalo, the sign as built is 66.7 square feet, exceeding the zoning restriction of 64 sq/ft.  The Board determined that there were size increases available to the property due to the topography and sight distances of the road.

Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Dr. Mara and seconded by Mr. Arell to approve the sign as constructed, allowing up to a total of 70 square feet, as the site includes factors of visibility allowed by Article III Section G(d).  Motion passes.

Impact Fee Study

Mr. Pike presented that Board with a copy of the completed Impact Fee Study.  The methodologies have been updated and the schedules revised.  This most significant change was that the Fire Department Impact Fee was eliminated.  Originally the methodology included the replacement of vehicles within the department. It was determined that such methodology was not permitted within the statute.  The Study will be presented to the Board of Selectmen for adoption soon.

Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Moore and seconded by Dr. Mara to adjourn the meeting at 8:28pm.  Motion carries.

Respectfully submitted,

Jamie A Pike

                                                        Approved as amended.

Thomas Jameson, Chairman