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Planning Board Minutes 07/30/2009
Chichester Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
July 30, 2009

Members present:  Chairman Tom Jameson, Richard Arell, Richard Moore, Kevin Mara, Mike Valotto, and Allen Mayville and Jamie Pike, Secretary.

Chairman Jameson opened the meeting at 6:35pm

Pursuant to RSA 673:11, Chairman Jameson appointed Mr. Mayville as a voting member to fulfill a vacant position.

The Board discussed the alleged expansion of the Chichester Country Store.  This allegation was brought to the attention of the Board via a letter, and stated that the number of seats and the seating area may be being expanded beyond what was previously permitted.  Upon a review of the file, the business has never gone through the site review process.  It was noted that the NHDES septic permit was issued for 16 seats.  A letter shall be sent to Mr. Panneton concerning any proposed expansion and that any expansion of seating and or area for patron use will require site review.

The minutes of the July 2, 2009 meeting were reviewed.  A motion was made by Dr. Mara and seconded by Mr. Mayville to approve the minutes with minor corrections.  Motion passes.

A subdivision plan was submitted by Joseph Wichert on behalf of the Shreier’s of Pleasant Street.  The Board conducted a preliminary review of the plan.  A letter shall be sent to Mr. Wichert regarding the Board’s findings.

Mr. Moore submitted comments on the Driveway Regulations for review.

Being no further business, a motion was made by Mr. Moore and seconded by Chairman Jameson to adjourn the meeting at 8:07pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

Jamie A Pike, Secretary
                                                                        Approved as corrected.

Thomas Jameson, Chairman