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Planning Board Minutes 11/06/2008
Chichester Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
November 6, 2008

Members present:  Chairman Tom Jameson, Chris Weir, Ex-Officio Richard DeBold, Joanna McIntosh,  David Kenneally, and Secretary Jamie Pike.

Chairman Jameson opened the meeting at 6:35pm

The minutes of October 2, 2008 were reviewed and a motion was made by Ms. McIntosh and seconded by Mr. DeBold to approve the minutes as written.  Motion Passes.

Master Plan Steering Committee  Mr. Pike explained the development and the duties assigned to the Committee.  There was discussion concerning the stipulations of attendance requirements and task assignments.  A motion was made by Mr. Weir to appoint a Master Plan Steering Committee with a membership of approximately 12 members to include: Tom Jameson, Lucille Noel, Harold Losey, Kristin Losey, Ansel Sanborn, Barbara Frangione, JoAnn Luikmil, Valerie Fradette, Steven Fradette, Zack Boyajian and Walter Sanborn.  The Master Plan Steering Committee shall perform the tasks as outlined within the Housing and Conservation Planning Program and the appointed chairman of the committee shall report the progress and member attendance on a monthly basis to the Planning Board.  Motion seconded by Ms. McIntosh.  Motion passes.

Design Review ñ Lot Line Adjustment ñ Cushman/Curley ñ Map 2 Lot 50

Mr. Web Stout of FWS Land Surveying was present to speak on the merits of the proposal.

The intent of the proposed subdivision is to adjust the lot line of land currently owned by the Curleyís of Pembroke to provide road frontage for Map 2 Lot 50 owned by the Cushmanís of Chichester.  The new frontage of the lot will be on Robinson Road.   Mr. Stout explained that the application has previously been before the Pembroke Planning Board and was declared a development of regional impact.  This designation shall require the approval of both boards.

A motion was made to accept the application into the jurisdiction of the Planning Board by Mr. Weir and seconded by Mr. Kenneally.  Motion Passes.

Public Hearing ñ Lot Line Adjustment ñ Cushman/Curley ñ Map 2 Lot 50

Abutters present:  None

Mr. Web Stout of FWS Land Surveying was present to speak on the merits of the proposal.

Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Weir and seconded by Mr. Kenneally to approve the application as presented.  Motion Passes.

The application shall be presented to the Pembroke Planning Board at a meeting to be held November 25th.

Discussion ñ Subdivision ñ Joshua & Brianne Stone ñ Map 8 Lot 24

Mr. Jeff Greene was present to speak on the merits of the proposal.

The intent of the proposed subdivision is to create a new 12 acre lot for the support of a new home.  The remainder of the lot shall be approximately 106 acres.
Mr. Greene requested a waiver to provide topographic and wetland delineation data for the 106 acre parcel.

The Board was in agreement the applicant would no be required to provide topographic and wetland data on the 106 acre parcel except that sufficient data shall be provided to prove that the lot is able to support a residential use.

Discussion ñ Site Development ñ John McDonnell ñ Map 5 Lot 59

Mr. McDonnell was present on this evening to detail the improvements he intends to make upon his property for the alteration of use of the existing structure from a single family residence to a mixed residential and commercial use.  Mr. McDonnell will be dividing the structure into three sections, a dwelling of 605 sq/ft and a retail and barber shop of 775 sq/ft.  The Board explained to Mr. McDonnell that the development shall have to go through the Site Review process although the Board could waiver certain requirements to ease the application process.

An approval from DES for the change in use of the existing septic system will be required.  In addition any wetlands upon the property will have to be delineated.  The Board shall allow the applicant to prepare his own site plan using the property survey completed in 2001.  The applicant was requested to return to the Planning Board at the next regular meeting on December 4th to further discuss the application, and make any necessary recommendations.

A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 8:20pm by Mr. Kenneally and seconded by Ms. McIntosh.  Motion Passes.

Respectfully submitted,

Jamie Pike, Secretary

Thomas Jameson, Chairman