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Planning Board Minutes 08/07/2008
Chichester Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
August 7, 2008

Members present:  Chairman Thomas Jameson, Vice-Chairman Chris Weir, Ex-Officio Richard DeBold, Stan Brehm, Joanna McIntosh, Richard Moore (Alt.) and Secretary Jamie Pike

Chairman Jameson called the meeting to order at 6:36pm.

Pursuant to RSA 673:11, Mr. Moore was designated to act in the absence of Mr. Arell.

The minutes of July 10, 2008 were reviewed.   A motion was made to accept the minutes with minor correction by Mr. Brehm and seconded by Ms. McIntosh.  Motion passes.

Mr. DeBold reported to the Board that he had a conversation with DES concerning the use of porta-potties.  It was stated that these are an acceptable means of providing septage disposal.

A memo from the Selectmen was reviewed requesting that the Planning Board review the lighting plans for Chuckster’s and to have any errors or findings corrected prior to final approval.  A letter shall be sent to Chuckster’s regarding this issue.  It was noted that there is excess light trespass along the western boundary of the lot.

Building Inspector – David Paveglio
Mr. Paveglio presented the Board with a draft version of a Commercial Occupancy Permit.  It has been noted in the past that the standard residential permit does not provide sufficient information to verify all the details of a site specific plan.  The Board shall review the permit and submit to Mr. Paveglio next month any suggested changes.

Design Review – Chichester Condominium Corporation Map 3 Lot 68B
Mr. Joseph Austin was present to speak on the merits of the application.

The Board was presented with plans to subdivide 2.624 acres from the 13.53 acre lot.  Such lot shall be the lower portion of the property with road frontage along Dover Road.  The lot contains an easement for the purposes of accessing the remaining 10.91 acres.  This parcel also contains a drainage easement for the remaining backland.  A Septic Contruction Approval was noted on the plan.  Mr. Austin stated that there is an approved fire pond designed by the Army Corps of Engineers to be located on the parcel.  This pond will be available to public and private use.  This pond has not yet been constructed.

A motion to accept the application into the jurisdiction of the Planning Board was made by Mr. Weir and seconded by Mr. Brehm.  Motion passes.

Public Hearing – Chichester Condominium Corporation Map 3 Lot 68B
Mr. Joseph Austin was present to speak on the merits of the application.

Abutters present were Shirley Waters and Bruce Merrill.

Mr. Merrill reviewed the plans, and had no objection to the subdivision.

A motion was made to approve the Subdivision Application with;

        Precedent Conditions:           -Remove Note # 11
                                        -Move ROW easement language to a more legible area.
        and Subsequent Condition:       -All easements be contained in any deed used for transfer or title purposes.

Such motion was made by Mr. Moore and seconded by Ms. McIntosh.  Motion passes.
Discussion – Chichester Condominium Corporation – Map 3 Lot 68B – Site Development

Mr. Austin was present this evening to discuss the letter received by the Board from Town Counsel concerning the previously proposed assisted living facility. This letter clarifies this type of development as commercial and not a residential entity.  Concerning the inclusion of kitchens in the individual units,  Mr. Pike shared with the Board discussion with Town Counsel about “creeping incrementalism”.  It would be for the Board to determine at which point any proposed facilities would be considered a kitchen.  Mr. Weir pointed out that the defining factor of a cooking facility is already clearly stated in the zoning definitions.  Mr. Austin stated that if the Board should not allow the provision for kitchens in the units he shall seek other avenues.

Discussion – Acron Creek Properties – Map 3 Lot 34 – Subdivision
Mr. Russ Abbott and Mr. Craig Keeler were present  to speak to the Board of their desire to subdivide 5 acres from the parcel with road frontage on Mason Road.  The purpose of this subdivision is to move the small home on Dover Road to this new parcel.  An easement shall also be included to provide access for Mr. Abbott to the rear of his property.  Mr. Abbott will prepare a letter to authorize Mr. Keeler to act on his behalf.

General Business

Mr. Moore presented the Board with an update on the progress of the CIP Committee.  A final report should be ready for the October meeting.

Mr. Pike was directed to contact DES concerning what permits were required for subdivisions.

Being no further discussion, a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:15pm was made by Mr. Weir and seconded by Mr. Moore.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

Jamie Pike, Secretary

Thomas Jameson, Chairman