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Planning Board Minutes 01/14/2008
January 14, 2008

Members Present:  Chairman Brad Towle, Ex-Officio Richard DeBold, Tom Jameson, Richard Moore (alt). Secretary Jamie Pike.

Chairman Towle called the meeting to order at 7:30pm.

Pursuant to RSA 673:11, Chairman Towle designated alternate member Richard Moore to act in the absence of a Board member.

Discussion ensued concerning the Site Plan Review for Primax Properties.  It was of the opinion of those present that the Town’s engineer, CLD Engineering Consultants, be forwarded the plans for review.  Mr. Pike shall make the necessary arrangements with the applicant and CLD.

Through discussion those members present drafted three additional zoning amendments for the Public Hearing on January 31, 2008.

Amendment No. 6

Are you in favor of the adoption of Amendment No. 6 as proposed by the Planning Board for the Town Zoning Ordinance as follows: amend Article III General Provisions, Section L Growth Management Ordinance, Sub-Section 2 Building Permit Limitations, Sub-Paragraph 1 Annual Limitation, Section A, to increase the annual growth rate to 1.50%?

Article III  General Provisions

        L.  Growth Management Ordinance

                2.  Building Limitations

                        I.  Annual Limitation

                                A.      The number of building permits for new residential dwelling units                                                                that are issued in a calendar year by the Town of Chichester                                                            shall be limited to an amount not to exceed an annual growth                                                             rate of 1.39% 1.50%. Except that the number of building                                                                         permits for new residential dwellings on lots in open space                                                                     conversation developments that are permanently deeded for                                                           elderly housing shall be limited to an amount that is not to                                                                    exceed annual growth rate of 2.2% excepted as stated in                                                                          Section II, 2.

Amendment No. 11

Are you in favor of the adoption of Amendment No. 11 as proposed by the Planning Board for the Town Zoning Ordinance as follows: amend Article III  General Provisions, Section S Open Space Conservation Development, Sub-Section 5 Specific Requirements, Paragraph (j); to provide for the shared assignment of development rights?

Article III  General Provisions

        S.  Open Space Conservation Development

                5.  Specific Requirements

                        j.  Open Space.  Open Space associated with open space conservation developments shall be permanently preserved from future development through the deeding of development rights to the Town of Chichester and/or through conservation easements.

Amendment No. 12

Are you in favor of the adoption of Amendment No. 12 as proposed by the Planning Board for the Town Zoning Ordinance as follows: delete Article III  General Provisions, Section S Open Space Conservation Development, Sub-Section 6 Open Space, in its entirety, and replace with certain language to provide for those restricted uses allowed within Open Space?

6.      Open Space:

        a.      All land used in the density calculation that is not used for residential                       development, shall be preserved as open space. At least 50% of the designate Open Space shall be designated as Conservation Area, shall be one (1) contiguous parcel, and shall remain in a natural and undisturbed condition, excepting permitted uses as allowed under paragraph (d) of this section.  

        b.      Open space shall be owned by one or a combination of the following:

                1.      A developer, so long as the developer holds, maintains, and                                             manages the open space until all open space improvements                                                        are complete, then transfers the ownership, management, and                                              maintenance of the open space to one of the below,

                2.      An individual land owner

                3.      A homeowners association, providing all the requirements in                                             Section 5.k. and Section 7 are met

                4.      A conservation trust or private nonprofit organization such as                                          the Audubon Society, the Society for the Protection of New                                              Hampshire Forests, and the Five Rivers Conservation Trust

                5.      The Town of Chichester, which shall maintain the land as open                                           space for the benefit of the Chichester’s general public.

        c.      The following uses are permitted within the Open Space lands,                                           exclusive of the Open Space lands designated as Conservation Area,                                       and are subject to the review and final approval of the Planning Board;

                1.      Non-commercial active and passive recreation facilities/areas,                                          such as parks, playgrounds, recreational ball fields, tennis                                                         courts, walking, hiking, and biking trails.  Active recreation areas                                             may include impervious surfaces.

                2.      Agriculture and forestry management activities provided that all                                                applicable best management practices are used to minimize                                                        environmental impacts.

        d.      The following uses are permitted within the Open Space lands                                            designated as Conservation Area;

                1.      Forestry management activities or pasture uses, provided that                                           all applicable best management practices are used to minimize                                               environmental impacts and passive recreation activities such as                                                 walking, hiking, bird watching, and snowshoeing.

Amendment No. 14

Are you in favor of the adoption of Amendment No. 14 as proposed by the Planning Board for the Town Zoning Ordinance as follows: amend Article III  General Provisions, Section S Open Space Conservation Development, Sub-Section 8 Document Review, Paragraph (b); to provide for the allowance of alternative professional review?

Article III  General Provisions

        S.  Open Space Conservation Development

                8.      Document Review

                        b.      At the discretion of the Planning Board, the Town attorney, and/or any                                          other professional needed, at the applicant’s expense, shall review any                                                         of the above-listed documents.

Amendment No. 17

Are you in favor of the adoption of Amendment No. 17 as proposed by the Planning Board for the Town Zoning Ordinance as follows: amend Article XI Definitions to provide for a definition of “Structure?”

Article XI  Definitions

Anything constructed or erected (the use of which requires location on the ground, or attachment to something located on the ground) except a wall or fence 6 feet or less in height.  Examples of structures include, but are not limited to: Buildings, Concrete Slabs, Foundations.

Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Jameson to adjourn the meeting at 9:00pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

Jamie A Pike, Secretary

Approved as Corrected
Bradley J Towle, Chairman