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Planning Board Minutes 08/26/2007 - Working Meeting

(603) 798-4350


August 26, 2007


PLANNING BOARD: Chairman Brad Towle, Tom Jameson, Joanna McIntosh, Richard Moore, Richard Arell and Secretary Andrea Deachman.



PROPERTY OWNERS: Brandon & Katrina Giuda, Frank & Sue Merrill, Karl Merrill

ABUTTERS: David Holmes, Dawn & Mike Lizotte, Debra LaCross, Nathan Cyr and Karen Kenney, Paul Adams

Planning Board Chairman Brad Towle opened the meeting at 1:15pm.  Chairman Towle introduced the members of the Planning Board, abutter Paul Adams approached the Chairman started to demand and was called out of order and removed from the property. All other names of participating towns’ people were recorded.

After some discussion by abutters with the land owners all of the abutters listed above decided not to continue on the walk.

The walk began on the Merrill property and followed into the woods to the first cul-de-sac, which has a proposed 9 lots. All of the cul-de-sacs will have a grass center.

We then proceeded to the area where the water will be made available to the fire department incase of a fire emergency, there was some question as to why they wouldn’t want the pond within the wetland area, this will be discussed at a later meeting. The next stop was the second cul-de-sac on the Merrill property which has a proposed 11 elderly housing lots with proposed 22 units, we crossed over a small stream bed an extension of Perry Brook, with little water and was informed that usually the stream is dry this time of year, but the crossing will have a large culvert to handle the wet time of the year. Then the walk followed the land down to Perry Brook Road where the second access to the development will be, this will also be discussed at a later meeting. The next phase of the walk took us into the last of the Merrill cul-de-sacs with a proposed 5 residential lots.

The walk continued to the Giuda property where the group was joined by Karla & Brett Brown, the group walked past the 3 lots on the south of Healy pasture as well as a large section of common area, this walk was much harder due to a clear cut several years ago and lots of smaller trees, the group chose to walk the first cul-de-sac on the Giuda property which has a proposed 17 lots. Chairman Towle asked the group if they wanted to continue to the further cul-de-sac and the consensus was not at this time. The walk continued to the back side of Dell-Lea Country Club, where Mr. Giuda explained that the mounds of dirt were the topsoil of the property as part of the proposed golf course development that never happened. Houses will not be seen from the Country Club and he explained how far into the woods the other cul-de-sac and fire pond were. Mr. Giuda explained that he hoped to move some of the topsoil back to where it came from and make the area look more like it should in time with wooded areas with large trees and rolling hills, instead of what is there now.

Motion was made to adjourn.

                McIntosh/Arell                  (Passed)

Working meeting adjourned at 2:50pm

                                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                                        Bradley Towle