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Planning Board Minutes 07/05/2007
(603) 798-4350


July 5, 2007

PRESENT: Chairman Brad Towle, Tom Jameson, Chris Weir, Joanna McIntosh, Richard DeBold, Stan Brehm, Fred Ruoff, Richard Moore, David Kenneally, Richard Arell and Secretary Andrea Deachman.

The Board discussed the minutes of June 7, 2007, the following items were corrected:

Page 2: Design Review Brent Moses, second paragraph first line last word change “his” to “he” Page 3: Design Review Teresa Paradise, first line change the word “will” to “with” Page 4: Discussion: Yelena Levitina, first paragraph, line 13 place quotes on “she would like to by that dog that was that big” second to last line place a comma after United States and last line replace the word “what” to read “as large as” fifth paragraph, second line change “Carol Nendee” to “Carol Hendee” Page 5 add “L & K Equipment needs to complete a site review for the parking area. Letter to be sent.”

Motion was made to accept the minutes of June 7, 2007 with the above corrections:

                McIntosh/Arell                  (Passed)

PUBLIC HEARING: Hillcrest Campground
        Site Review – Self Storage Facility
        U-Haul Rentals, Office and Apartment
        Map 4, Lot 156, Dover Road

Continued from June 7, 2007

All documents are not in for review at this time, a request for extension has been received and the Board will request and extension from the Board of Selectmen for 60 days to act on the application.

Continued to August 2, 2007

        Brandon & Katrina Giuda
        Subdivision – Elderly Housing
        Open Space
        Map 10, Lot 9, Pleasant Street &
        Healey Pasture Road

Abutters present: Frank & Sue Merrill, James Power & Gordon Jones

Mr. Giuda introduced his professional team, Attorney Richard Uchida, Engineer Steve Cummings, Land Surveyor Mark Sargent and Wetlands Scientist Mike Seraikas.

Mr. Giuda explained to the Board that he is only subdividing off 1 lot and will have 38 condominium units consisting of 18 duplexes and 20 single family units. There will be a shared recreation area with the Merrill property which will include tennis courts, heated pool, club house, open gardens and trails.

All test pits have been done and are part of the limited common area or common area, there could be up to 3 units sharing septic and well resources. The open space in this development belongs to the landowner or association and is not public property. Mr. Giuda’s development will all be elderly housing age 55 and over as stated in the condominium declaration no person under the age of 55 can live in the units. Age restriction requirements as written are proven to be upheld in court and the owners will be made aware of the stipulations prior to signing any documents. The association will be required to maintain the age restriction rules.

The proposal is to build out all roads at once, they did not anticipate putting in sidewalks. Steve Cummings explained that the roads will be 20 foot with 3 foot shoulders, there will be about 5000 square feet of wetlands impact with larger culverts on the longer road, and  there will be easements in place for any culverts or headwalls. Site specific has been requested due the amount of area being disturbed and the amount of fill required to adequately complete the project.  All roads are expected to be public, Mr. Giuda would rather have Perry Brook Road gated and only open during plowing and emergency needs. Mr. Giuda anticipates the project to be completely built in 3 to 5 years.

Board and abutters concerns about traffic and impact to the existing roads as well as setbacks, wetlands, zoning clarifications and other items that have not been provide to the Board for review.

Design Review continued to August 2, 2007

DESIGN REVIEW:  Frank & Sue Merrill
        Subdivision –Open Space
        Elderly & Non Elderly Housing
        Map 10, Lot 2, Pleasant Street &
        Healey Pasture Road

Abutters present: Brian Cavanaugh, Brandon & Katrina Giuda and Paul Adams

Mr. Giuda presented the project to explain how this development is broken down. Lots 1-9 there will be no age limit open space, lots 10-20 limited common area elderly 55 and over open space, lots 21-25 no age limit subdivision and other lots as listed for a total of 27 lots. The Merrill property has several different aspects to the project. There will be a pond for fire emergencies with a manhole at the cul-de-sac for water retrieval. All the houses will be designed the same as in the Giuda project.

The Board is requesting Traffic Study and State of New Hampshire Department of Transportation District 5 involvement for both the Merrill and Giuda proposals.

Design Review continued to August 2, 2007

DISCUSSION:     Tom Sanuth      
        763 Second Street, LLC
        Site Review – Used Car Dealership
        Map 4, Lot 159, Dover Road

Mark DeGrace presented plans to the Board for the project. This parcel was approve as a commercial multi use business, and had a restaurant, apartment and auto sales office only prior to a fire last year. Mr. Sanuth would like to rebuild and open a Used Car Dealership with a show room and repair shop on the lower level and an apartment upstairs. The plan shows 65 parking spaces, 6 reserved for customers.

Will need to go to the Board of Adjustment for wetlands setbacks.

There was concern the amount of cars being washed and the runoff.

Will call when ready to continue.

DISCUSSION:     Jim Alexander
        Rt. 4 Property??

No action taken.

New Business:

The Board of Selectmen have requested that the Planning Board begin the CIP process, the secretary will put together a packet for each of the departments within town this weekend. The Board will request that all documents be returned to the Planning Office no later then August 2, 2007, if at the August 2, 2007 meeting department forms are missing the Board will advise the Selectmen. Alternate Richard Moore has offered to sit on the CIP Committee.

Discussion on conditional approvals, the Board was in agreement that unless it is beyond the developers control such as paving the parking area in January no further conditional approvals will be granted. The Board will also like to have some sort of business operation permit similar to an occupancy permit. This permit will need to be signed by all departments involved in the process and then the building inspector or selectmen will grant the permit to operate and the business can open. Stan is working on the site review regulations and checklist and will also draft the permit to operate.

The Board discussed concerns of opening Perry Brook Road and the possible upgrades necessary for it and Hillard Road to be suitable for regular travel. Questions on subdivisions and Open space lots will be directed to the town attorney by way of the Chairman.

Motion was made to adjourn.

        Brehm/McIntosh  (Passed)

Meeting adjourned at 10:50pm.

                Respectfully submitted,

                Bradley Towle