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Planning Board Minutes 06/07/2007
(603) 798-4350


June 7, 2007

PRESENT: Chairman Brad Towle, Tom Jameson, Chris Weir, Joanna McIntosh, Selectman Steve MacCleery, Stan Brehm, Fred Ruoff, Richard Moore, David Kenneally, Richard Arell and Secretary Andrea Deachman.

The Board discussed the minutes of May 3, 2007, the following items were corrected:

Page 1 first paragraph dealing with building fees, third line place the word “just” between “they and need”, Page 2 first paragraph, third line replace the word “test” with the word “tests” Page 5 first paragraph second sentence begin the sentence with “There were”. Second paragraph, third line replace the word “that” between “changes and original” to “to the”

Motion was made to accept the minutes with changes.

        Brehm/McIntosh                  (Passed)

A letter has been received from Laura Foss, Map 9, Lot 34 requesting an extension to pave the driveway and parking area. The Board after some discussion agreed to a 1 month extension and if further time is needed they must appear before the Board. The Secretary was instructed by the Board to forward on a letter to Mrs. Foss and include in the letter that all other conditions of the approval need to be met prior to opening the business to the public.

The Chairman introduced the Board and read the agenda, he announced that the Giuda and Merrill subdivisions will not be heard tonight. Chairman Towle announced that Alternate Chris Weir will be a voting member tonight.

PUBLIC HEARING: Dale Hallquist
        Home Occupation
        Marine repair, Inboard & Outboard Motors
        ATV & Snowmobile Repair
        Map 8, Lot 25, Bear Hill Road

Continued from May 3, 2007

Selectmen Steve MacCleery stepped down from the Board and recused himself as he is an abutter.

ABUTTERS PRESENT: Steve MacCleery, Jim and Michelle Plunkett

Mr. Hallquist presented new drawings to the Board. He presented the Chairman with a letter for the BCEP stating that they will take any waste materials that he produces.  The Board requested that Mr. Hallquist retain receipts from the BCEP for all waste items that he disposes of. Mr. Hallquist offered to give the Plunkett’s a copy of such receipts and they accepted the offer. The hours of operation will remain as discussed at the last hearing, Monday thru Friday 8am to 5pm and Saturday 9am to 5pm with no hours on Sunday.

Motion was made to approve the home occupation.

        McIntosh/Jameson                (Passed)

DESIGN REVIEW:                          Brent Moses
                                                Lot Line Adjustment
                                                Map 2, Lot 57A & 57B, Horse Corner Road

Continued from May 3, 2007

No Abutters present.

Mr. Moses has returned to the Board for a lot line adjustment. A letter has been received from the Chichester Board of Adjustment as to why they cannot grant an area variance.

Mr. Moses’ parcels are the following sizes: lot 1, 1.534 acres and lot 2 is 4.615 acres, his will be adjusting the line so that lot 1 will become 2.018 acres and lot 2 will be 4.131 acres. Both lots will maintain at least 300 foot of road frontage.

Motion was to accept the application as complete.

                Weir/Jameson                            (Passed)

PUBLIC HEARING:                         Brent Moses
                                                Lot Line Adjustment
                                                Map 2, Lot 57A & 57B, Horse Corner Road

Continued from May 3, 2007

No Abutters present.

There being no further discussion a motion was made to approve the lot line adjustment as presented.

                Brehm/MacCleery                 (Passed)                                                                                                                   

PUBLIC HEARING: Hillcrest Campground
        Site Review – Self Storage Facility
        U-Haul Rentals, Office and Apartment
        Map 4, Lot 156, Dover Road

Continued from May 3, 2007

The Town Engineers review has just been completed. Project will be continued to July 5, 2007 agenda.

DESIGN REVIEW:  Teresa Paradise
        Live & Let Live Farm
        Site Review – New Building – Arena
        Map 1, Lot 28, Paradise Lane

Ms. Paradise presented the Board will plans of the property with the new arena.  All items from the checklist that were requested are completed.

Motion was made to accept the application as complete.

        Ruoff/MacCleery         (Passed)

PUBLIC HEARING: Teresa Paradise
        Live & Let Live Farm
        Site Review – New Building – Arena
        Map 1, Lot 28, Paradise Lane

Stan Brehm recused himself.

Abutters: Stan Brehm

All conditions have been met for this proposal, there being no further discussion or concerns from the abutter or the Board.

Motion was made to accept the plans as presented.

        Ruoff/Jameson           (Passed)

DISCUSSION:     Yelena Levitina
        Hobby Farm or Kennel
        Map 2, Lot 29, Horse Corner Road

Ms. Levitina was sent to the Board by the Selectmen for discussion on what she needed to do to have a hobby farm. Discussion became entwined with abutters and neighbors concerns that Ms. Levitina  was raising Caucasian Sheppard and she has a website with puppies for sale and that this is a commercial business and it doesn’t belong in the residential zone and the dogs are loud and bark all day and all night. Several abutters voiced concern of having small children around and these dogs are raised to fight off bear and wolves and what would they do to a child if they got out, their bark sounds vicious and is very scary. Other abutters stated that they couldn’t sleep due to being woken up by the dogs or not being able to walk by the property without the dogs barking. Ms. Levitina was asked if she lived on the property by one of the neighbors and she stated that she did and the neighbor doesn’t believe any one is there to take care of the dogs. A neighbor stated that several websites state that this dog is very aggressive and weighs about 250 pounds and stands on its hind legs over 6 feet tall, Ms. Levitina stated that she would like to buy that dog that was that big. Ms. Levitina explained to the Board that she has one litter a year and she sells one or two of the puppies and gives one or two away to farmers. She is trying to introduce the breed to the United States the dogs are of a larger size but not what the neighbors are saying. The dogs she has on the property are her pets.

She did not come to this Board to discuss the dog kennel because she does not feel she is a kennel. Ms. Levitina would like to know what the requirements are to have a hobby farm on her property, a few sheep, goats and other farm animals, she owns 20 acres of property and would like to have a farm.

The Chairman explained that animal husbandry has no regulations and a farm was allowed on the property she owns.

The Chairman explained to the abutters and neighbors that the Planning Board is not the Board they should be dealing with if the dogs are an issue, if they feel that this is an obnoxious use they could bring it to the Board of Adjustment. Suggested that they call the police to complain, and get the complaint on the record.

The following are concerned residents from Horse Corner Road on this issue: Frank Lemay, John Trip, Beverly & David Paul, Carol Nendee, Ann Fornier, Sam Walker, Ann Davis, David & Gretchen Morse and a letter from Richard & Sandra Millette.
New Business:

Question came into the secretary on a Commercial Village District Property and could it be used for a kennel? The Board advised the secretary to return the call and explain that the Village District has specific guidelines and as long as those guidelines can be met and as long as the dogs are not an obnoxious use it would be an allowable business within the Commercial Village District.

A note will be placed on all abutters notices that the agenda can be reviewed on line.

Mr. Kenneally had concerns with the Chichester Congregational Church detention pond. It was suggested that the chairman call the engineer for the project.

Mail was reviewed.

Motion was made to adjourn.

        MacCleery/McIntosh              (Passed)

                Respectfully submitted,

                Bradley Towle